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Harmonizing Your Health with Dr. Colbert

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Dr. Don Colbert maintains that people can take control of their health. As he likes to put it, “Your genetics may load the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger.” Our choices can change our genetics, he adds.

Dr. Colbert is often asked why the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is so important. He says it’s because it’s considered the “second brain” due its complex neural network. “The gut-brain axis is a fascinating and intricate connection that highlights the two-way communication between the gut and the brain. Notably, the gut can send signals to the brain that influence mood, emotions, and even cognitive functions,” he says.  

There’s a long list of foods and medications that Dr. Colbert says damage our guts. Some of those are: alcohol (best to remove entirely, he says), antibiotics, anti-inflammatory meds, artificial sweeteners, chlorinated water, dairy products (for one to three months), excessive meats (especially processed, fatty ones), gluten, GMO food, processed food (most food in a box), saturated fats, sugar, and even fluoride from toothpaste (avoid swallowing).  

Of course, he also offers a long list of foods which contain nutrients to heal the gut: veggies, dairy (certain kinds after a break), meat (grass-fed, organic), seafood (wild), nuts and seeds, coffee, filtered water, low-sugar dark chocolate, fermented foods, gluten-free flours, avocado, berries, resistant starch fruits and veggies, spices, and gut supplements like pre- and pro-biotics.  

Dr. Colbert has written an entire book on optimizing brain health, The Brain Zone, and includes much of that vital information in this compilation. The first thing he recommends is knowing where one is in terms of mental sharpness by having a full blood panel test. He says we all need to monitor those levels throughout our lives to prevent, repair, or reverse the damage our choices and environment have caused. To understand our genetic risk for developing Alzheimer’s Disease, he recommends getting the ApoE test. When this test proves positive, it indicates the greatest risk for Alzheimer’s, other dementias, as well as heart attack and stroke, he warns. There are also cognitive acuity tests, e.g. MoCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment). There are ten “dementogens” as well as other causes of cognitive decline that Dr. Colbert says people should avoid. Three very common ones are

·  Sugar/ diabetes, measured by the A1c test. People with type-2 diabetes may be two times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s. 
·  Cholesterol levels, easily measured with a blood test. The optimal total level is 150-200, and if it dips below 150, a person could be starving his brain and increasing the risk of brain atrophy. 
· Chronic infections and inflammation, measured by specific blood tests, e.g. hs-CRP, C-reactive protein, and nuclear factor kappa B (NKFB). “Never forget,” he reminds us, “that developing Alzheimer’s and dementia is not inevitable and those exhibiting signs of memory loss are not hopeless cases.

As with the gut, one’s diet greatly affects his brain health. Ten key brain foods Dr. Colbert recommends are: mold-free organic coffee, organic green or black tea, blueberries, 72% dark chocolate, sardines, wild salmon and other high-fat, low-mercury fish, avocados, organic eggs, walnuts, almonds, pecans, and macadamia nuts, curcumin and turmeric, and kale.

Three key protocols vital for brain longevity which Dr. Colbert lists are

·  Sleep. Getting enough quality sleep enables processing data, proper storage, and self-cleaning.  
·  Stress reduction. Chronic stress is like a poison, and there are many ways to lower or even remove it.  
·  Exercise. Dr. Colbert says exercise is the single most important strategy to prevent and improve memory loss.  

Many people think their hormone problems relate only to their genetics. Dr. Colbert responds to that notion by stating that there are many factors that can cause hormones to get out of sync, including age, of course, as well as obesity, diet, insulin resistance, certain medications, chronic illness or insomnia, a sedentary lifestyle, inadequate sleep, excessive stress, marijuana usage, hormone disruptors (e.g. parabens and phthalates), endocrine disruptors, and pesticides.  

Hormone levels begin to drop for both men and women about age fifty, Dr. Colbert states. He offers a number of ways to balance them: to have an active lifestyle, eat a healthy diet, lower stress, exercise regularly, get seven to eight hours of sleep each night, take few or no medications, take nutritional supplements, avoid the ten dementogens. Optimizing hormones may require boosting certain ones based on blood test results.    

Dr. Colbert believes there’s no more effective way to lose weight than the Keto diet, which puts the body into a state of ketosis. Simply put, that means the body is burning fat rather than sugar for fuel. The typical American diet, way too high in sugar and carbohydrates, means glucose, or sugar, is the main fuel, he says. When carbs are greatly reduced, and healthy fats and proteins are consumed, it boosts metabolism and burns fat. The correct proportion of these macronutrients for a keto diet is: 75% fats, 20% proteins, and only 5% carbs.  

Once a healthy weight is achieved, Dr. Colbert advocates switching to a Mediterranean diet to maintain it, and for overall health. “At its core, the Mediterranean-keto lifestyle entails consuming ample healthy fats, moderate amounts of quality protein, lots of vegetables and salads and limited amounts of good carbs. This way of living avoids or limits packaged and processed foods, dairy, artificial sweeteners, high carb and high-sugar items, and unhealthy fats,” he explains. Olive oil, as one example, is highly beneficial. In fact, 19 different studies of 35,000 people showed that it was directly linked to lower cancer risks. 

Dr. Colbert's Breakfast Scramble, as demonstrated on the show (p. 194 in his book):
1 teaspoon grass-fed ghee
3 tablespoons avocado oil, divided
½ cup yams, diced
¼ cup broccoli, chopped
¼ cup onions, chopped
¼ cup button mushrooms, sliced
¼ cup spinach, shredded
2 organic pasture-raised eggs
1 link cooked chicken sausage or 2-3 slices of turkey or regular bacon (nitrate / nitrite-free), diced
¼ cup berries

Heat ghee and 1 tablespoon of avocado oil over medium heat. Add the yams. Cook 3-4 minutes. Add veggies and cook 3-4 minutes more, until tender. In a small bowl, whisk eggs. Add to veggies and stir until desired doneness. Top with diced meat of your choice. Drizzle with remaining avocado oil. Serve with a side of berries. (1 serving)
Discover more about Dr. Colbert at and, and purchase your copy of Dr. Colbert's latest book: Health Zone Essentials.

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About The Author

Julie Blim

Julie produced and assigned a variety of features for The 700 Club since 1996, meeting a host of interesting people across America. Now she produces guest materials, reading a whole lot of inspiring books. A native of Joliet, IL, Julie is grateful for her church, friends, nieces, nephews, dogs, and enjoys tennis, ballroom dancing, and travel.