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March 14 - CBN NewsWatch AM: March 14, 2025
CBN NewsWatch AM: March 14, 2025
March 13 - Iran Says ‘No Nuclear Talks;’ Military Strike Ahead? | CBN NewsWatch 3/13/25
Iran’s Supreme Leader turns down President Trump’s offer of negotiations over its nuclear program, which could lead to a joint Israel-US military strike on Iran – and the US and Israel held a joint military exercise earlier this month, ... ...
March 12 - Israel Warns Syria After Massacres, Launches Strikes | CBN NewsWatch 3/12/25
Israel warns Syria to stay away from its border, and takes military action against targets in Syria it considers to be a threat, as Israel also calls on the world to condemn the recent massacres in Syria; the new Syrian leader has called for ... ...

About CBN Newswatch

CBN Newswatch brings viewers the day’s top headlines, analysis, and in-depth reports from the CBN News team, expert contributors, and faith leaders.

Efrem Graham


Efrem Graham is an award-winning journalist who came to CBN News from the ABC-owned and operated station in Toledo, Ohio. His most recent honor came as co-anchor of the newscast that earned the station’s morning news program its first Emmy Award.

Efrem was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, but his formal television and journalism career was born across the Hudson River in New York City. He began as an NBC Page and quickly landed opportunities to work behind-the-scenes in local news, network news, entertainment, and the network’s Corporate Communications Department. His work earned him the

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