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700 Club

The Key to Retirement Security

Playing in her church pickleball league is more than just a fun exercise for Donna Steuber. After her husband, Bob, of 48 years, passed away in 2022, she needed a way to connect with other Christians.

Donna says: "They've been so precious to me. And, um, I want others to get that too. So I'm always talking it up and inviting people 'cause I want them to have that support."

As a widow, Donna draws strength from her church family and friends. She's also financially secure, thanks to the Biblical principles she and her husband followed for retirement.

Donna adds: "I'm so thankful that we learned the principles of tithing and giving and receiving the blessing of God, And I know God has so much for me. And, um, I'm just blessed because Bob was a hard worker. And all those years of giving, God has just blessed us a hundred-fold."

Putting away that nest egg wasn't without its challenges. As a young couple with four young children, they were trying to get by on one income, living in a small brick home Bob built himself.

Donna remembers: "I had to quit work because it wouldn't pay me to work outside the home and pay a babysitter. We didn't get to go on vacation. That's hard. We didn't have big Christmases. That's hard."

Their struggle with money lasted years, and Donna was in constant fear that they wouldn't have enough. Donna says she knew God was the answer but couldn't turn her fears over to him.

Dona recalls: "I hadn't been ready to submit to him. 'cause I, you know, I needed time to just try to do things my way. And it just brought me to misery."

Finally, Donna decided to give her worries about money over to God. She turned to the Bible and Pat Robertson's teachings on The 700 Club, where she learned how tithing and giving were critical parts of turning their finances around.

Donna says: "So we started tithing, like a few weeks later, he got a raise. We saw that God was moving in our finances and protecting our finances. And it took all the stress and the fear away from us. It brought me to being a generous giver because I never had to fear that we would not have enough. And, um, it changed our whole attitude about money and that God is going to take care of you. You put him first. Tithing is learning to put God first."

They also learned about getting rid of credit card debt, saving, and living within their means. Slowly, they saw God's hand in their finances.

Donna adds: "He was making it all work. I mean, it wasn't like hitting the lottery, but it was just increase, increase, increase, and His protection on all our stuff. And so that was where we really saw, saw that God was in the real world."

After the kids were on their own, Donna went back to work. As They continued to put God's financial plan to work through giving and saving, both were able to retire comfortably.

Donna states," God has taught me to trust Him. It's great not to have any worry or fear over finances. I am so happily retired, and I have more than enough to do what God calls me to do, to go where God calls me to go. And I'm a cheerful giver, certainly."

Part of that giving has been to CBN. Since 1979, Donna has been a faithful partner of The 700 Club.

Donna concludes: "I love CBN. I give to CBN because I trust them. I've seen the great work they've done throughout those 45 years that I've been giving to them. I love that CBN is concerned for the souls of the world. And I am in agreement with that because God is on the move. When you put God first in tithing and giving, He begins to overflow His blessing to you, so you have more time to give to His purpose. I would encourage, especially young people who are struggling, to let God prove Himself that He's faithful. He says that He will open the windows of heaven for you and pour you out a blessing so great you can't contain it. And He will rebuke the devour. He'll protect your finances if you will. Trust Him. Trust the Lord. Trust His word. It is true."


Psalm 41:1 says, “Blessed is he who considers the poor; the LORD will deliver Him in time of trouble.” When you partner with CBN, you do more than just give to the poor. You provide hope and the love of Christ through life-giving surgeries, food and clothing programs, humanitarian aid, and so much more! Become a CBN partner, and help transform lives in the name of Jesus Christ! Join us now!


700 Club

Mocked Into Isolation

Living in a remote village in central India, Abhijeet’s parents couldn’t do anything to remove the cyst on their 5-year-old son’s forehead. It had completely covered his left eye.

Abhijeet’s mother said, “He often fell while walking, because he couldn’t see out of both eyes. One day, Abhijeet was running home to get some food and fell. He cut his lips and bled a lot.” With tears coming down, she continued, “My husband and I struggled, because one of us would have to take care of him while the other worked. I love my son. He is my shining star. Without him, I wouldn’t be alive.”

Abhijeet could barely stand looking at himself, and he knew others didn’t want to look at him either.

Abhijeet’s mother sobbed as she explained, “He used to throw stones in an open well when he saw his reflection. At school, he was teased and mocked, so he stopped going. We couldn’t afford the surgery he needed, and without it, his skin would continue to droop, making him go blind in his left eye.”

A medical outreach sponsored by a partner of Operation Blessing then came to their village. And thanks to you, he received the surgery to remove the cyst at a hospital free of charge.

“Now, he can see with both eyes,” exclaimed Abhijeet’s mother. “The whole village came to see him. They were so happy and encouraged us to send him back to school. He can read, write, and see the blackboard.”

Abhijeet has gained a new sense of independence, joy, and self-confidence.

His mother said with a big smile, “After the surgery, I am no longer scared for his future. He feeds himself, his health has improved, and he plays with his friends. He even visits us in the fields. I am grateful to everyone who contributed to my son’s life-changing surgery and gave him a new beginning.”


What a beautiful example of how CBN partners share the love of Jesus around the world with people in need! If you’re not yet a partner, we invite you to join us today. Help bring God’s love through initiatives like clean water wells, medical missions, feeding programs, and so much more—all in the name of Jesus! Join us today and become a part of what God’s doing through CBN partners.

700 Club

When God Blesses Your Business

Jen Brusa owns and operates a successful business called, “Beloved Cheesecakes,” where she sells an amazing variety of them. Jen says her made from scratch desserts are award winning for a couple of reasons.

Jen says, “I just chalk it up to it's Jesus and it's made with pure love and my heart goes into it.”

Before Jen became a business owner she had separated from her husband and was raising her three sons by herself. Jen received food stamps to help cover her expenses. She also worked as a waitress and got another job in guest services. But even then, it wasn’t enough to take care of her three growing boys. 

Jen remembers, “Overwhelmed is an understatement. There were times where I didn't even think I was gonna make it. Honestly, it was my boys that kept me going.”

After Jen and her husband divorced, she joined a food share co-op program where she paid $20 a month to get surplus food at a discounted price. That’s when she received a parcel of blackberries and started making cheesecakes. They were so popular she began to sell them.

Jen shares, “People love cheesecake.”

Jen knew the importance of giving and always tithed. Even during times of struggle when she didn’t have money, she found a way to give other things.

Jen says, “I feel like tithing is just a surrender. When I couldn't give the money I was giving cheesecakes, You’re surrendering that security, you’re surrendering what we hold on tightly. And you’re truly letting go and giving that to God. It does come back to you.”

Jen was unable to pay her mortgage and her home went into foreclosure. She found a duplex she could afford and started her “official” cheesecake business on social media. As her business increased, she also tithed on the income of everything she made.

Jen shares, “It's a principle that follows believers and nonbelievers. Because the more you give, the more you receive.”

The spirit of giving went beyond her finances. Jen also donated her desserts to a school auction with tremendous results.

Jen recalls, “And they called me afterwards and said it went for $600.”

A friend created a Kickstarter campaign for a brick and mortar store she named, “Beloved Cheesecakes.” On opening day, Jen couldn’t believe her eyes.

Jen remembers, “There was a line out the door waiting for us to open. It was surreal. It really, really was. My whole goal was to be able to financially make it for my boys and I.”

Within 8 months, Jen’s cheesecakes were selling out. She also met and married Makai who suggested she try selling her cheesecakes at the local farmers’ markets. She agreed. On the first day, people were lined up and they sold out in two hours.  Word spread and she got an interview on Fox and Friends resulted in 350 cheesecake orders.

Jen says, “We have doubled our revenue every year since 2021. I attribute Beloved Cheesecake success to Jesus, number one. Number two, hard work diligence, perseverance, and I would say grit. A lot of grit.”

With her increased income Jen and Makai can give even more to building God’s church and helping the community. The business is now in 20 restaurants and grocery stores.  Jen believes her generosity has contributed to her success.

Jen shares, “We are coming into that place of overflowing and abundance, and I do attribute it all to God. I believe in giving and tithing that if you don't, I don't think your business will be successful. If they would just give, they would get so much more.”


Psalm 41:1 says, “Blessed is he who considers the poor; the LORD will deliver Him in time of trouble.” When you partner with CBN, you do more than just give to the poor. You provide hope and the love of Christ through life-giving surgeries, food and clothing programs, humanitarian aid, and so much more! Become a CBN partner, and help transform lives in the name of Jesus Christ! Join us now!

700 Club

They Called Him “Cleft Boy”

Three-year-old Jun (John) often covered his mouth because other kids laughed at him.

“Kids called him Cleft boy!” his dad reported.  “Then he would get mad and chase them away.” 

The family lives in a remote mountain village in the Philippines.  Jun’s dad, Joel, has been taking care of his son while his wife cares for a relative in another province. Joel said Jun is becoming more withdrawn and losing weight. 

“He can’t really chew his food so he just swallows it straight. He hides in the corner during mealtimes. He would touch his mouth and said, ‘I want to get this fixed.’”

Joel is a farmer and barely makes enough for food. He can't afford to travel to a distant    hospital, let alone pay for surgery.  “I want my son to get an operation so he can study and have a good life. But if no one helps us that won’t happen.”

Then Operation Blessing met with the family and, thanks to YOU, paid for Jun to receive free surgery to repair the cleft lip.  Soon after surgery, we received some video from a friend’s phone showing the operation was a success! 

It turns out that MANY other children in the surrounding villages have children with cleft lips. So Operation Blessing is now working to help them as well!  

“Thank you for helping my son and for doing what you said you would do,” declared Joel. Though we are very far away, you still came and helped us.  Now many other kids will be helped as well!”


Do you know that CBN partners can reach people around the world for Christ every day? We invite you to join us in ministry together as we provide financial support to those in need through our life-giving surgeries, food and clothing programs, humanitarian aid, and so much more! When you give today and become a CBN partner, you’ll help transform lives in the name of Jesus Christ! Join us now!

CBN’s impact around the world


Daily prayers for people across the country

In 2023, the CBN Prayer Center in the U.S. responded to 1.3 million prayer needs from viewers—recording over 6,500 professions of faith and fulfilling over 336,000 requests for ministry resources. Our ministry extends beyond phone calls, offering assistance in various languages and digital platforms.

Latin America

Highlighting testimonies of God’s faithfulness

Vida Dura or “Hard Life” stories are sourced throughout Latin America and produced in Spanish to reach a region with testimonies of people who hit rock bottom and turn to God for change. CBN has a prayer center in Latin America to support people through prayer and faith resources.


Help in Times of Crisis

When tragedy struck Israel, CBN partners helped war victims by providing emergency shelter, food, supplies, and access to counseling. Our team members also visited bomb shelters to bring hope, encouragement, and much-needed supplies.


For 30 years, CBN has been serving the people of Ukraine

CBN’s Orphan’s Promise continues to minister to desperate men, women, and children in Ukraine by providing warm clothes, winter shoes, blankets, flashlights, and thermoses. We were even able to provide some with generators.


Reaching Kids for Christ

 CBN partners are reaching children around the world with the Gospel of Jesus through Superbook, a Bible-based animation series. Through the free Superbook Kids Bible app, kids can watch Superbook, hear the Gospel presentation, play games, and more. They can also read the Bible, many in their own languages. 

Bible Reading for the Day

Read or listen to today's Old and New Testament Bible readings. Each day is portioned to give the entire Bible to you in a year. Start anytime. Scroll forward or backward if you miss any days or want to get ahead.

Read Now 

CBN News


Trump Says Biden-Harris Labeling Him a 'Threat to Democracy' Led to 2nd Assassination Attempt

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Pastor Terrorized, Arrested for 'Reading the Bible Aloud' Scores 'Complete Victory'

A Washington pastor scored a major victory last week after being arrested at least twice for preaching the Gospel in public.

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