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YouTube Announces It Will Censor Videos About Voter Fraud, Has Already Killed 8,000 Channels

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YouTube announced on Wednesday that it will not permit users to upload videos pertaining to fraud allegations stemming from this year's presidential election. 

The online video-sharing platform released a statement titled "Supporting the 2020 U.S. Election".

The company insists that they no longer allow "content alleging widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of a historical U.S. Presidential election."

YouTube released the news just one day after the so-called "safe harbor" deadline which is the date when state election challenges, recounts, and audits must be completed. 

Additionally, the company said that since September it has removed over 8,000 channels and thousands of what it considers misleading election-related videos that allegedly violated their policies. 

The news has prompted plenty of comments on social media, many challenging the integrity of YouTube's decision. 

One Twitter user wrote, "#youtube will begin censoring anyone who disputes their assertion that #joebiden is president elect. Court cases are pending and the electors have not cast votes. Irrespective, the CCP-sympathizers on social media will begin their war on truth."

Another user tweeted, "Hiding facts from the public doesn't change anything!  People are able to see it other places!"

And one user questioned YouTube's discretion on permitting certain videos but not others.

"So, @YouTube is okay with #FlatEarth videos, #RussiaHoax videos, with videos suggesting #MichelleObama is a man, but @YouTubeInsider cannot have anyone question the 2020 election integrity? #Section230."

YouTube concluded their statement by assuring people that the company will remain vigilant in their efforts to provide their own concept of balanced material to viewers: 

"Our teams work hard to ensure we are striking a balance between allowing for a broad range of political speech and making sure our platform isn't abused to incite real-world harm or broadly spread harmful misinformation."

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About The Author

Andrea Morris

Andrea Morris is a Features Producer for The 700 Club. She came to CBN in 2019 where she worked as a web producer in the news department for three years. Her passion was always to tell human interest stories that would touch the hearts of readers while connecting them with God. She transitioned into her new role with The 700 Club in August 2022.