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Portland is Being Destroyed, But Mayor Wants Federal Officers Out of City 

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There have now been nearly two straight months of rioting in Portland, Oregon, but judging from his comments to the media, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler's chief concern is not the destruction of his city, but the presence of federal officers in his city trying to stop the chaos. 

Portland police declared a riot Saturday night after hundreds of demonstrators broke into the Portland Police Association building and set it on fire. 

Protestors were chanting, "Every city, every town, burn the precincts to the ground!

With increasing violence and damage to the city now in the millions, what Portland's mayor wants is for federal law enforcement officers, who are in the city to protect federal property, to go away. He's accusing them of violating protestors' civil rights.

"Leave. Your presence here isn't wanted, it's not needed," Wheeler said, "Unmarked vehicles pulling people off the streets without any probable cause as far as I can tell, and the people who are engaging in these activities aren't even willing to identify who they are and they don't wear an insignia on their uniform. That's a real threat to democracy."

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In a tweet, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the federal officers "Stormtroopers".

But on Fox News Sunday, President Trump defended the federal involvement. 

"If you look at what's going on in Portland, those are anarchists and we've taken a very tough stand," Trump said, "If we didn't take that stand in Portland – you know we've arrested many of these leaders – if we didn't take that stand right now you would have a problem like you, you...they were going to lose Portland"

There were also continued violent protests in Seattle and Chicago, where Black Lives Matter protestors pelted police with projectiles.

Former 60's radical David Horowitz accuses Democratic leaders of helping what he calls "terrorists." 

"Why is half the country torn up? Because Democrats are aiding and abetting terrorists," he said. "What else can you call these people in the streets, destroying everything, beating up people. They're terrorists, and the Democrat party is in bed with them."

The head of Portland's Police Union, Daryl Turner,  accused city leaders of condoning the chaos.   

"This is no longer about George Floyd. This is no longer about racial equity. This is violence, rioting, destruction," Turner said.

But Oregon's attorney general is seeking a court order to stop federal agents from arresting rioters in Portland.  

And three House Democratic chairs are calling for an investigation of federal involvement. 

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Since joining CBN News, Dale has reported extensively from Western Europe, as well as China, Russia, and Central and South America. Dale also covered China's opening to capitalism in the early 1990s, as well as the Yugoslav Civil War. CBN News awarded him its Command Performance Award for his reporting from Moscow and Sarajevo. Since 9/11, Dale has reported extensively on various aspects of the global war on terror in the United States and Europe. Follow Dale on Twitter @dalehurd and "like" him at