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Migrants wait in the cold at a gate in the border fence after crossing from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico into El Paso, Texas, in the early hours of Thursday, May 11, 2023. (AP Photo/Andres Leighton)

Immigration Impasse: Fighting Over Border Security Holds Up Ukraine, Israel Funding

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Congressional lawmakers remain unable to reach an agreement on a foreign aid bill for both Israel and Ukraine.

Senate Republicans blocked a key procedural vote Wednesday, insisting additional support for Ukraine must be tied to U.S. border security and a part of any package sent to the Senate floor.

"As we've said for weeks, legislation that does not include policy changes to secure the border will not pass the Senate," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

Democrats say they've yet to receive a border package from Republicans that will pass the Senate, and accuse the "radical right" of holding Ukraine aid hostage. 

"We cannot waste time on something like H.R. 2, which every single Democrat voted against, which could never pass the House, while the clock is ticking to get Ukraine the help it so desperately needs," Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said. 

In an impromptu public address on Wednesday, President Biden said the inaction of Congress is a gift to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"We can't let Putin win. I'll say it again. We can't let Putin win. It's in our overwhelming national interest and in the international interest of all our friends. Any disruption in our ability to supply Ukraine clearly strengthens Putin's position," Biden said.

"Republicans are playing hardball and they know they have a better negotiating position if they can get it to fail first. To have Democrats (say) 'Oh, my goodness, we really could run out of money here on Ukraine and the war there if we don't get serious on border secure funding,' that's what this is all about," said CBN News Chief Political Analyst David Brody.

Brody believes Democrats will have to go back to the negotiating table on border security to stand a chance at getting a funding bill through not only the Senate but also the House.

"The Republicans want concrete, specific policy proposals, so to speak, inside that bill. They don't want just money. They want actual things, tangible things, that are going to be done to stop the flow of immigrants, illegal immigrants, into the country," said Brody.

The blame game is strong right now with Democrats accusing Republicans of putting American safety and global democracy at risk. 

However, Republicans maintain national security starts at home.

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Caitlin Burke serves as National Security Correspondent and a general assignment reporter for CBN News. She has also hosted the CBN News original podcast, The Daily Rundown. Some of Caitlin’s recent stories have focused on the national security threat posed by China, America’s military strength, and vulnerabilities in the U.S. power grid. She joined CBN News in July 2010, and over the course of her career, she has had the opportunity to cover stories both domestically and abroad. Caitlin began her news career working as a production assistant in Richmond, Virginia, for the NBC affiliate WWBT