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Confirmation Hearing Concludes for Amy Coney Barrett: You Can Catch What You Missed Right Here

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The confirmation hearing for President Trump's Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett concluded on Thursday afternoon. Day 4 featured some closing arguments and witnesses from both sides, although the Democrats' "witnesses" primarily talked about their personal lives, healthcare concerns, and support for abortion rather than offering firsthand knowledge of the nominee.

Thursday's conclusion came after two straight marathon sessions of direct questioning from senators. Here's a wrap-up of Wednesday's events: Barrett About to Shatter a Barrier for 'Conservative Women' after 'Excruciating' Confirmation.

Barrett, 48, a judge on the US Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, was nominated by the president to replace the late Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died on Sept. 18. 

CBN News carried Judge Barrett's confirmation hearing each day this week on the CBN News Channel and across all of our digital platforms, including the CBN News YouTube channel. Here's the Livestream for Thursday's hearing:

The American Bar Association's Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary offered its evaluation regarding the professional qualifications of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, rating her as "well qualified".

Here are some more highlights from Day 3: Barrett Shoots Down Dem Claims on Abortion, Healthcare: 'I Have No Agenda... I'm Not Hostile'

Here's the Livestream for Wednesday's hearing:

On Tuesday, Barrett faced questions on issues ranging from healthcare to gun rights, to abortion and even her faith. 

Here Are Some Highlights from Tuesday's Hearing on Day 2: What Amy Coney Barrett Told the Senate About Her Faith and Roe v. Wade

 You can see Tuesday's entire hearing below:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was chairman over the hearings which began Monday, Oct. 12, and concluded on Oct. 15. 

The hearings were a hybrid of both in-person and virtual presence, where senators were able to ask questions and make statements. The Senate has done this type of hybrid hearing for months to question witnesses due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

Barrett delivered her opening statement on Monday before the US Senate Judiciary Committee in which she expressed gratitude for all those who have been praying for her.

You can watch Monday's hearing activities BELOW:

Barrett is a favorite among conservatives for a couple of reasons. She's relatively young and is a devout Catholic. Also, media reports about her past academic record of legal writings suggest a potential openness to overturning Roe v. Wade. 

For those reasons, she's also become a target of the Left. Barrett's faith came under fire in previous confirmation hearings, and Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) said recently she doubts that Barrett's "closely held (religious) views can be separated from her ability to make objective, fair decisions."

But Article Six of the United States Constitution forbids religious tests for government service: "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."

Barrett is a mother of seven children. At just 48-years-old, Barrett holds promise for a potential decades-long term on the bench. She once clerked for Justice Antonin Scalia, taught law at Notre Dame, and has reported conservative views about protecting religious freedom.

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As to her faith, Barrett is a part of the charismatic renewal movement within the Catholic Church and participates in a "covenant community" called People of Praise.

As CBN News reported, during a speech earlier this month at the FAMiLY LEADER Foundation's "Faith in Leadership, America's Need for Revival" in Des Moines, Iowa, Vice President Mike Pence criticized those on the Left who have been targeting Barrett's Christian faith.

He reminded the audience about Barrett's confirmation hearing just two years ago, when she was nominated to the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. "At Judge Barrett's confirmation hearing, the Democrat chairman of the Judiciary Committee criticized her Catholic faith, saying that quote, 'the dogma lives loudly within you'. And Hollywood elites have already begun to criticize her and her family for their commitment to their faith," the Vice President said. 

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"Well, I got news for the Democrats and the Hollywood elites. That dogma lives loudly in me. That dogma lives in hundreds of millions of Americans. And every American who cherishes faith has the right to live and work and worship according to the dictates of our faith and conscience enshrined in the Constitution of the United States," Pence said to thunderous applause. "The American people cherish the freedom of religion of every American and every faith and these attacks on Judge Barrett's faith must stop!"  

A group of Christian intercessory prayer leaders gathered in front of the US Supreme Court building at Noon Monday, praying for God to bless Judge Amy Coney Barrett, her family, and the US Senate in the confirmation process.

CBN News carried Judge Barrett's confirmation hearing on the CBN News Channel and across all of its digital platforms, including, CBN News Facebook, and on the CBN News YouTube channel.


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Benjamin Gill oversees internet and social media content as the Multimedia Manager for He has been on staff with CBN News as an internet and broadcast producer since 2000. Here are some of his commentaries and articles: Pursuing Truth in a World of Fake News: Reflections of a Christian Journalist After 20 Years with CBN News Plagues, the End Times, and Trusting in God's Protection: 'You Will Hear Us and Rescue Us' 12 Powerful Bible Verses to Build Your Faith and Fight Fear During the Coronavirus Crisis 'Beasts of Darkness': The Satanic Hatred that Possessed Connor Betts, and What