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URGENT PRAYER NEEDED: Orphan's Promise Aid Worker Kidnapped by Russian Forces in Ukraine

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An aid worker with CBN's Orphan's Promise ministry has been kidnapped by Russian forces in Ukraine and hasn't been heard from in weeks.

The woman's name is Valentina, and eyewitnesses saw the kidnappers throw a bag over her head as they abducted her in the street. A woman who knew Valentina reportedly betrayed her to the Russian troops when they arrived in town, telling them that Valentina was helping the Ukrainians. 

Russian troops have besieged the area where Valentina lives, and she had been helping with the distribution of food to people who are hiding in bomb shelters.

Valentina has worked in the area near Mariupol for the Orphan's Promise Children of War Project. "The team evacuates women, children, as well as sick and elderly from hot spots. Missionaries, while under fire, drive to bakeries (that also work under fire) and deliver bread to hungry people at the same time providing them with spiritual bread," Orphan's Promise reports.

Valentina's friends and colleagues are very concerned for her safety, asking Christians to pray that she will not be tortured and will be released soon.

CBN's Terry Meeuwsen, who founded Orphan's Promise, says, "No one knows where they took her, where she is. So please pray for Valentina. We're asking that she would be released, asking God to send angels with her that she would be released without harm."

Orphan's Promise has been ministering to the needs of tens of thousands of people across Ukraine for many years, especially orphans, and the group continues its aid work throughout the country during the war. 

CLICK HERE to help Orphan's Promise help Ukrainian victims of war.

Much of the Orphan's Promise effort has now shifted to urgent humanitarian aid, especially in cities like Berdyansk, Kharkov, and Mariupol which have faced countless air strikes and are now occupied by Russian forces. "Please pray for God's protection both from human evil actions and from any bombs, shells and other artillery," the ministry requests.

CLICK HERE to help Orphan's Promise help Ukrainian victims of war.

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Benjamin Gill oversees internet and social media content as the Multimedia Manager for He has been on staff with CBN News as an internet and broadcast producer since 2000. Here are some of his commentaries and articles: Pursuing Truth in a World of Fake News: Reflections of a Christian Journalist After 20 Years with CBN News Plagues, the End Times, and Trusting in God's Protection: 'You Will Hear Us and Rescue Us' 12 Powerful Bible Verses to Build Your Faith and Fight Fear During the Coronavirus Crisis 'Beasts of Darkness': The Satanic Hatred that Possessed Connor Betts, and What