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Experiencing the Holy Week in Israel 2023

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Experiencing the Holy Week in Israel is a very special time for Christians, as is Passover for Jews. This April 2nd - April 9th, CBN News Jerusalem Bureau is inviting you to join daily Facebook LIVE tours from Palm Sunday to Passover preparations to Resurrection Sunday!

It’s an opportunity for you to see the places where Jesus walked his last week before his crucifixion and resurrection. We’ll be reading from the scriptures, telling about that last world-changing week, and praying for you.

Follow us on Facebook to watch the lives here.

The start of Holy Week began at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem as thousands of Christians from around the world commemorated Palm Sunday.

See the ancient Southern Steps where many believe Jesus would have been carried by his parents and walked as an adult.

Join Chris Mitchell as he walks along the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

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About The Author

CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief

CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief In a time where the world's attention is riveted on events in the Middle East, CBN viewers have come to appreciate Chris Mitchell's timely reports from this explosive region of the world. Mitchell brings a Biblical and prophetic perspective to these daily news events that shape our world. Chris first began reporting on the Middle East in the mid-1990s. He repeatedly traveled there to report on the religious and political issues facing Israel and the surrounding Arab states. One of his more significant reports focused on the emigration of persecuted Christians