Robert Kraft's Foundation to Combat Antisemitism Buys Super Bowl Ad
Even though his NFL team is not going to play in this year's Super Bowl, New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft's Foundation To Combat Antisemitism (FCAS) will have a commercial airing during the championship game.
It will be the foundation's first time to air a 30-second ad during the Super Bowl to be televised on CBS on Sunday, Feb. 11.
The FCAS ad will feature Dr. Clarence B. Jones, who assisted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in writing the iconic I Have a Dream speech delivered at the historic March on Washington in August 1963.
Jones, 93, has been a longtime leader in the fight against hate and throughout his professional career has been a staunch advocate for civil rights. He has also been a passionate supporter and champion of the historic and powerful partnership between the Black and Jewish communities in the U.S. He currently serves as chairman of the Spill the Honey Foundation, an organization that inspires action against racism and antisemitism through art and education.
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The FCAS commercial will further the foundation's mission to stand up to antisemitism and all forms of hate. It includes Dr. Jones imploring Americans of all backgrounds to stand up and not be silent in the face of hate. It centers around the powerful concept that all hate thrives on the silence of others, the foundation said.
"The work Dr. Jones has done over the course of his entire life and career is the embodiment of FCAS' mission to build bridges and stand up to Jewish hate and all forms of hate. In the time we have spent together and through his work, I have become a huge fan of Dr. Jones, and I am proud to spotlight all that he has done for our nation," Kraft, the foundation's founder, said in a statement.
"With this ad, we hope to continue to spread Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s message of unity and equality at a time in which the country needs it most and our goal is to reach a wide audience of people and inspire all Americans to stand up together, arm in arm, and fight this horrific rising hate," the statement continued.
Kraft founded the FCAS in 2019 to address the rising hate against the Jewish people in the U.S. His vision is to stand up against racist and violent rhetoric aimed at the Jewish people through the most easily accessible and most powerful avenue of information in the world today: social media, according to the foundation's website.
Kraft is often seen wearing a small blue square pin in public. The pin is the symbol of the FCAS campaign. The small blue square represents the 2.4% of the U.S. population who are Jewish. Jews are the victims of 8.7% of all hate crimes and 55% of all religious hate crimes in America.
Jones said in a statement that the Civil Rights movement and the passage of the Civil Rights and Voting Acts would not have happened without the unwavering and largely unsung efforts of the Jewish people.
"With hate on the rise, it is as important as ever that all of us stand together and speak out. Silence is not an option. I'm glad that I have lived long enough to partner with Robert Kraft and FCAS to continue to spread the message to the widest possible audience – the Super Bowl," the statement said.
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