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ANALYSIS: Only God Knows Russell Brand's Heart, but Baptism and Syncretism Aren't Compatible

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Russell Brand recently made headlines when he shared on his social media accounts that he was planning on getting baptized. On Sunday, April 28, 2024, Brand was officially baptized into the Roman Catholic Church. Known previously as an actor and comedian, in recent years Brand has become more of a political activist and social media influencer. He has 6.79 million subscribers on YouTube and close to 12 million followers across Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

In recent years, up until very recently, Brand has promoted many New Age ideas and philosophies across his social media platforms and hosted conferences on mediation and transcendentalism. He has also been a strong proponent of Eastern mysticism and spiritualities that are found in Buddhism and Hinduism. Many in the Christian world are split over whether his most recent baptism and conversion announcements are, in fact, sincere.

One of the biggest issues is that he is still promoting New Age ideas across his social media, and this week he promoted what practically all Christians would define as witchcraft. On April 29, 2024, the day after his baptism, he posted a video on his social media involving tarot cards. In the video, he shares about the specific meaning of the tarot card that he held in his hand and that certain symbols can serve as "tools for reflection and personal analysis." Ending the video, he asks viewers their view on synchronizing other spiritual practices with Christianity and jokingly asks if it is ok to "meddle in the occult arts."

Some in the Christian world are defending the video, stating that he is "just a baby Christian" and needs discipleship. Then there are others like me who believe that Brand did not convert to Christianity but is rather just adopting certain principles and beliefs into his New Age belief system. 

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As he talked about baptism in another of his Instagram videos, he referenced the idea of "new birth" and becoming an enlightened individual. However, these terms are also present in other religions. They mean something entirely different from the same words within a Christian worldview. Apart from the context of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, these words may be the same but mean something entirely different.

I have researched Russell Brand extensively and have been aware of his beliefs for the past few years. His belief system is one of universalism and syncretism, the idea that multiple religions and spiritualities are different roads leading to the same source. 

Several years ago, he made headlines for getting a tattoo of Jesus on his arm. In a video on his YouTube channel, he explained why he specifically tattooed a crucifix. However, it was not due to conversion or belief in the Biblical Jesus. This is clear because throughout the rest of the video, he explains that he also tattooed Krishna, a Masonic number, Hindu Sanskrit, and Ganesha, the Hindu elephant god, on other parts of his body.  

His most recent social media announcements about baptism and its effects on him did not contain anything pertaining to the Biblical Gospel. He did not mention sin, repentance, or the exclusivity of Jesus Christ. He did not renounce his former errant spiritual ideas or practices. Instead, he makes references to tarot cards, Buddhist and Hindu ideas and concepts, as well as key words that pertain to New Age spirituality. 

Tarot cards are a form of witchcraft, the occult, and divination. In the Old Testament, God made it clear the seriousness of any involvement with the occult. It is one of the things that God hates. Deuteronomy 18:10–12 says, "There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations, the Lord your God is driving them out before you." Think about that: God actually considers involvement in divination to be on par with child sacrifice. Practicing anything that is witchcraft or divination is extremely serious to God.

In the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament, God's greatest offense concerning his people was mixture. So often, Israel would have worship of Yahweh take place while also worshipping the Baals and Asherahs. This serious issue of blending paganism with true worship of God is seen all throughout scripture, from the worshipping of the golden calf to some of the churches in the book of Revelation being rebuked for their compromise and allowing pagan practices to come in. God does not accept the worship of false gods or the embracing of pagan practices to occur along with true worship. He forbids it. 

It is truly shocking to see a video of Russell Brand sharing about getting baptized and then the next day to see him promoting tarot cards. As Christians, we cannot have a double standard for celebrities. We would all find it suspect if a thief announced that they were being baptized and becoming a Christian, but then announced to everyone the day after their baptism that they had just stolen something. This scenario would apply to any serious sin. Insert whatever serious sin comes to your mind, and then understand that witchcraft is just as serious, if not even more so. In the same way, it is very very suspect to see Brand release a video promoting divination and witchcraft the day after his baptism.

No one expects perfection out of a new Christian. However, becoming a Christian is more than taking the plunge of baptism. When the Lord saves someone from serious spiritual error and deception, there is no way that He would allow them to continue promoting that deception to millions of followers under the guise that you can be a Christian and participate in what the Bible defines as witchcraft.

David Hoffman is the founder and director of the Kingdom Enterprises ministry.

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David Hoffman is a freelance contributor.