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Receiving God’s Providential Care

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Navy Corpsman, Joshua, is often away from his family for months at a time. When he is home, he and his wife, Ashleigh, only have one vehicle, leaving Ashleigh without transportation. With two kids and one on the way, Joshua appreciates the way she juggles family responsibilities without a car. 

Joshua said, “I think she's wonder woman, honestly. I don't know how she does it!”

When the couple transferred to California, they sold their home in Washington state. But, a week before closing, the sale fell through because the house needed repairs. Now, Joshua and Ashleigh had to pay for the repairs and keep paying their mortgage.

Joshua admitted, “I feel like I’m kind of over my limits of stress, just trying to figure this out.”

Ashleigh said, "All I can say is I was just worried. There was a lot of crying involved. I just think about our kids. How are we going to feed our family?”

In a few months, the couple’s entire savings was depleted and their credit cards maxed out. They relied on military base food drives to feed their family.
Joshua said, “If we can't get it sold, then only real option is bankruptcy. Trying to figure out what we are going to do so we don’t go into foreclosure on this house."

Ashleigh added, “My faith sustains me through this. I'm constantly praying throughout the day about selling this house.”
Their church, New Song Community, heard about their dilemma and called Helping the Home Front. Church leader, Susan Bogus, invited the couple over to share some big news.
Susan told them, “CBN wants to take care of the next three-monthly mortgage payments on your house in Washington.”
Ashleigh exclaimed, “It’s amazing! I’m so happy!"
Susan had one more announcement.
“So, Helping the Home Front is prepared today to take you to a dealership to buy you a reliable used minivan." 
Ashleigh whispered, “Oh my gosh!”

Susan asked, “How does that feel? Does that help?”
Ashleigh answered, “I just, I want to smile so big right now! It’s just amazing.”
Joshua added, “I can't even begin to explain how much of a blessing it is to be able to have, a way to transport our whole family and our, our future kids too.”
Ashleigh continued, “I feel blessed, beyond blessed!”    

The couple headed to Car Max where their minivan was waiting. A few months later, their house sold, putting the couple back on financial track.

Ashleigh concluded, “I’m so happy. And this is a huge blessing for our family. Thank you so much for everything!”

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About The Author

Dory Nissen

Dory Nissen has been story telling for CBN since 1993. She joined CBN when her husband received orders to Norfolk, VA. She loves sharing stories of God’s grace. Her most recent focus has been on producing stories showcasing how CBN financially helps military families. As a Navy sailor’s wife, she understands the challenges military life brings.