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Big Family, Big Needs

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Army soldier, Eric and his wife Elizabeth, have their hands full with six kids. Elizabeth used to be a soldier too. When they discovered they were having twins, they both agreed she should stay at home. Eric said, “I'm very proud of my wife. It definitely relieves a lot of stress for me. I get to come home and know that the house is taken care of.”

Budgeting for a family of eight on Eric’s single salary is tough. It became even tougher when they learned their older daughter needed braces. Elizabeth asked, “How are we going to do this? How are we going to pay this bill?”

Their financial situation looked hopeless when they discovered they needed new windows and their furnace died, leaving them with no heat. Eric saod, “It’s very frustrating. Very taxing on me. I don’t know how I’m going to handle it.”

With winter in Colorado approaching, the couple borrowed space heaters. At night, they slept with the babies in their room with one heater, and kept a second running in the older kids’ room. Eric recalled, “I just want to put all of our faith into the Lord 'cause I know He will watch over us, He will guide us.”

Elizabeth agreed, “I know He'll get us there. I just don't know what that looks like and I’ve got no choice but to trust that He will get us there."

Pastor Joe Adams reached out to CBN’s Helping the Home Front.
Pastor Joe said, “The reality is there are some needs in the church with military families where we don’t have the resources to be able to provide. And when that happens, we know we can count on Helping the Home Front. They step in, they make a difference, they change people’s lives.”
The couple was invited over to the pastor’s house. Pastor Joe welcomed them having said, "CBN’s Helping the Home Front is going to pay for the braces." 

Elizabeth exclaimed, “Thank you.”

Pastor Joe continued, "There is more here. Because CBN has already contacted ANA Professional Cooling and Heating, to replace your furnace, completely paid for this weekend."

Elizabeth said, “Thank you. Thank you!”

Pastor Joe continued, “Well, we're not done because CBN is also going pay to have your windows to be replaced so the cold air doesn't continue to come into your home."

An elated Eric said, “Very blessed, thankful in every way.”

A few days later their furnace was fixed. Then, they scheduled to have their windows replaced and made an orthodontist appointment for their daughter, all paid for thanks to support from donors like you.

Eric concluded, “Thank you CBN for helping our family. We're grateful to you. We definitely needed it. And we love you!"

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About The Author

Dory Nissen

Dory Nissen has been story telling for CBN since 1993. She joined CBN when her husband received orders to Norfolk, VA. She loves sharing stories of God’s grace. Her most recent focus has been on producing stories showcasing how CBN financially helps military families. As a Navy sailor’s wife, she understands the challenges military life brings.