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 Transforming Tears Into Smiles

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Nairobi, Kenya

Mokeira’s 5-month-old daughter, Gianna, was born with a cleft lip. Mokeira explained, “When she drinks milk, it spills out of her mouth and nose.  Life is difficult. She can easily choke, so I have to be with her all the time.”

Mokeira runs a small food stand, while her husband does different jobs he can find in Nairobi, Kenya. They knew they couldn’t afford to pay for the needed surgery.

“We are praying to God that someone will come and help us, so that our baby can be like other children before she goes to school,” said Mokeira.
They met a man who told them about Operation Blessing. And thanks to your generosity, we paid for Gianna to get her cleft lip surgery.

“We no longer worry about her choking when she eats. She eats so well now,” Mokeira said. “She is always laughing and smiling! When she starts school, no one will make fun of her.  I want to say a big, ‘Thank you!’  I am so happy!  ‘May God bless you all for your kindness, and may you continue to help others who are in need!’”

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