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Supplying Physical and Spiritual Help

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When a tornado struck Cottonwood, Alabama, residents like Florence were staggered by its intensity. Florence said, “It was a horrible scare, because the sky had turned colors I had never witnessed before.”

When the winds subsided, the extent of the damage seemed insurmountable. Florence recounted her experience after the storm. “A lot of damage was done to the property. One particular tree, which fell on the side of my home, actually fell over my bedroom. Sometimes in a case like this, you feel, ‘Wow, what? What do I do? How do I get that done?’”

That’s when Florence learned about Operation Blessing’s disaster relief efforts in her area. We had helped Florence’s daughter earlier that week and she told her mom all about us.  

She said, “She was with me for hours trying to just say, ‘Oh, mom, it was going to be all right. I trust these people. I trust this Operation Blessing, Mom.’ And I said, ‘All right, you trust, I trust.’”

Thanks to you, Operation Blessing pulled together a team with cranes and chainsaws. We removed the fallen tree and other hazardous debris from around her home— work not covered by her insurance company. We also prayed with Florence to encourage her. 

Florence gratefully said, “I experienced kindness and people were actually eager to do the work. ‘What do you need? How can I help you?’ I feel comfortable that the work is superior.”

Now Florence’s property has been cleared, making way for her insurance company to repair her home and property.  

She said, “I will tell the donors how tremendously blessed I am because of the help from Operation Blessing and all of the service that they provided. Thank you again. Thank you. In fact, I’ll thank you in my dreams.”

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About The Author

Ken Hulme

CBN International Managing Director for The 700 Club | Ken's been telling stories as a producer and writer for nearly 40 years. Currently, he manages and mentors media teams based in countries worldwide that provide stories about the work of CBN, Operation Blessing, and Orphan’s Promise for The 700 Club and other media platforms. He is married with four adult children and nine grandchildren.