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Cast Aside

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When Adama and her children became Christians, Adama’s husband, along with the rest of her Muslim family, cast them out of their home. Adama explained, “I went from house to house washing clothes. With the little income from that, I was unable to pay rent. We were evicted many times because of that. We slept in unfinished houses that didn’t have doors or windows.” 

Adama’s daughter, Naomi, said, “We were expelled from school, because we couldn’t pay the tuition. Seeing my friends go to school without me really hurt, but I trusted in God and we asked Him to send people to help us.”

“We hardly had any food,” said Adama. “One time, we didn’t have anything to eat for four days. I had 33 cents, so I bought tea bags and made some tea for my kids to fill their stomachs. When I shared my story at a prayer meeting, a lady there contacted Orphan’s Promise and asked them to help us.” 

Soon after that, another Christian couple at that prayer meeting offered to pay their rent at an apartment. Then Orphan’s Promise came in with a special house warming gift.

Adama said, “They brought us rice, onions, oil and everything we needed to eat. Glory be to God! I cried many tears of joy when this miracle happened.” 

And to help Adama’s children get a good education, we also paid all their school fees. 

Naomi said, “God has answered our prayers. We have been able to continue with our studies. He gives me wisdom and intelligence, and every time I’m first or second in my classes. Thank you for helping us!”

“My heart is flooded with the joy of Jesus Christ,” said Adama. “Everything has changed! He sent his angels, Orphan’s Promise, to bless us and give us back our dignity. To all the donors and everyone who made this possible, ‘May God bless you and raise you from glory to glory, so you will continue to be a source of blessing to others.’” 

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