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Tom Doyle


In 1995, Tom began leading tours in Israel, eventually becoming an official tour guide for the State of Israel.  Little did he know that God was about to take his love for the Middle East to a whole new level.  “As a pastor, I admired missionaries, but I was glad that God hadn’t called me to be one,” he recalls.  In June 2001, after 20 years of pastoring congregations in Colorado, Texas, and New Mexico, Doyle and his wife sensed God clearly calling them to full-time ministry in the Middle East.  He accepted the position of Middle East director for a ministry called Evangecube, which was later renamed e3 Partners.  

Doyle’s ministry to pastors has taken him right into the heart of the Islamic world.  He knows the inside scoop when it comes to the Church in places like Iran, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, and in the Palestinian territories of Israel.  He speaks frequently at churches and para-church ministries about Israel, the Middle East, the global threat of Islam, and the incredible growth of the Middle East Church since September 11, 2001. Through his ministry with e3 Partners, Doyle loves and serves both Arabs and Jews and assists in church planting efforts.