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Penny Cooke

Contributing Writer

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Penny Cooke is an author and a Certified Biblical Life Coach. She has been a leader in women’s ministry for over 25 years and has taught numerous Bible studies.

Whether writing, teaching or coaching, Penny seeks to encourage and equip women with the Word of God and see them empowered by His Spirit for this battle we call life. Her passion is to see women (and men) rise up (or kneel down) and pray more often and more fervently.

Penny is the author of Pursuing Prayer – Being Effective in a Busy World by New Hope Publishers. She has been a contributor to Lighthouse Bible Studies’ Heart Renovation – A Construction Guide to Godly Character and Worthy Publisher’s Let the Earth Rejoice devotional. She has written for and and has been a columnist for Blessed Living Women’s E-Magazine. She also enjoys blogging about things of life and faith at

Penny and her husband live in Florida and have three grown children and seven grandchildren.