Trump Signs Executive Order to Protect Patients with Preexisting Conditions
The White House is touting President Trump's "America First" health care plan and his latest step to protect the rights of patients.
Trump signed an executive order on preexisting medical conditions Thursday, saying it was the first-ever executive order to affirm it is the official policy of the US government to protect patients with preexisting conditions.
During a visit to the key swing state of North Carolina, the president sketched out a "vision" for quality health care at affordable prices, with lower prescription drug costs, more consumer choice, and greater transparency.
"My plan expands affordable insurance options, reduces the cost of prescription drugs, will end surprise medical billing, increases fairness through price transparency, streamlines bureaucracy, accelerates innovation, strongly protects Medicare and always protects patients with preexisting conditions," he said.
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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) dismissed Trump's executive order as "bogus".
The president signed the order because he wants to reassure Americans he supports preserving coverage for preexisting conditions, even though his administration is asking the Supreme Court to invalidate Obamacare which also included that coverage.
Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), was passed while Joe Biden was vice president. And Biden says his health policy includes expanding the ACA.
This week President Trump reiterated a political attack accusing far-Left Democrats of trying to unleash a “socialist nightmare” with healthcare rationing through their proposal for a fully government-run healthcare system.
Democratic nominee Biden says he doesn't support that plan.