Senator Rubio Tells Critics of His Bible Verse Tweets: 'I'll Continue to Do It'
Senator Marco Rubio is unopolgetically vocal about his faith.
Rubio discussed his faith, among other critical issues, with Faith Nation hosts David Brody and Jenna Brower on Capitol Hill.
"Faith is the single biggest influence on my life, and it's a positive influence."
In addition to his faith, the Senator revealed his conviction towards family values.
"The most important institution in the society is the family...When you are raising a child you are raising a future tax payer who's going to help fund medicare and social security. Our tax code should take that into account."
Rubio was optomistic about the administration's assistance with Puerto Rico, despite adverse remarks from San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz Soto.
"I don't have any questions about the Trump Administration's commitment to Puerto Rico. But it's going to be a long road and I think everyone needs to undrestand that."
Referring to his faith again, some have critcized Senator Rubio for tweeting Bible verses in the morning, a habit he unapologetically favors.
"I'll continue to do it...if they don't like it they don't have to follow me."
Fools take no delight in understanding,
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) October 18, 2017
but only in displaying what they think.
......His invisible attributes of eternal power & divinity have been able to be understood & perceived in what He has made.
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) October 17, 2017
The quick-tempered make fools of themselves,
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) October 14, 2017
and schemers are hated.