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Recent Devotionals

What do your prayers look like? Do you ask big things of God? He has done signs and wonders through…
Celebrating Freedom Day
Nobody wants to be a slave to anyone or anything. Praise God that slavery was outlawed in the…
If you were arrested for your faith, would there be enough evidence to convict you? As much as I…
Just as Jesus became flesh and dwelt among us, we have access to His Spirit and can be the hands…
Our heavenly Father sometimes sovereignly permits momentary pain to accomplish a greater purpose.…
No matter how long we’ve been Christians, God can’t fully be Father to us until we fully grab onto…
Have you ever wondered if a past mistake means God can no longer use you? Have you ever been…
In this heartfelt devotional, discover the beauty of forming supportive relationships with fellow…
Jesus is no longer in the tomb and He is literally seated at the right hand of the Father…
Can you imagine being just eight years old and being made king? That is exactly what happened to…
How would you answer a question about your faith if persecution seemed imminent? Peter stumbled and…
God will equip us for anything He has called us to do. Even if we aren't qualified in the eyes of…
Unity is not valued as much in our culture as individualism. But our opinions and beliefs often…
Does God try to speak to you, and you don't take the time to listen? Be still and draw upon His…
When I was young, I thought calling Jesus my friend was an exaggerated statement. In my moments of…
God is consistently faithful in teaching us and reminding us of what He has spoken. Jesus sent His…