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Recent Devotionals

Don't miss out on the life-changing experience of praising the Lord. Rejoice, sing, and shout His…
Books provide a pleasant escape from reality for many of us. This author's passion for a certain…
Have you ever wondered why people can’t seem to agree on how to worship God? Why can’t we all just…
Sometimes when you're reading the Bible, certain Scriptures may seem so foreign to you. This author…
Loving others the way God intended isn’t easy. In fact, chances are you have experienced someone in…
If you've ever struggled with comparing yourself to others, find out today how to see yourself from…
Unity is not valued as much in our culture as individualism. But our opinions and beliefs often…
If you've ever refrained from putting a Christian bumper sticker on your car because you fear you…
Whether you're seeking guidance on weathering life's storms or finding purpose in your projects,…
Find wisdom in the story of King David and his son Solomon, as it unravels the significance of…
Many of us share a love for food and the pleasures it brings. Discovering your favorites may be…
woman facing the mountains and sunshine with arms wide open
Have you ever paused to wonder why we sometimes shrink away from open doors, those chances for new…
Many situations in daily life can trigger fear. This author's childhood memories of huddling…
As this author recounts the Red Sea's miraculous parting and how God's omnipotence over nature was…
When you ponder the works of the Lord as is mentioned in Psalm 111, you find patterns exposing His…
Our faith exists through more than just words; power is our instrument. The Gospel's power—the…