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Recent Devotionals

Looking for inspiration and guidance in your faith journey? Look no further than the life of Saint…
God’s Word consistently warns us against idolatry, but in our culture, idolatry might be more…
Adoption is a beautiful thing and a powerful picture of who God is. In Ephesians, Paul tells us…
Every day of our lives is fueled by decisions and choices that can often feel overwhelming. The…
Have you ever gone on a road trip with your family? Someone inevitably asked the question, “Are we…
Are you ready for Jesus' return? The Bible tells us there will be many who claim to be the Messiah…
We may not comprehend the why of God's instructions, but life tends to fare better when we give…
Have you ever experienced a miracle in your life? Those moments when the seemingly impossible…
Forgiveness might be one of the most difficult things for people to walk in fully. Whether it's…
What legacy are you leaving for the next generation? Deuteronomy 6 calls us to love God with all…
Through faith, perseverance, and courage, you can navigate life's challenges with hope and…
This impressive young man had made many right choices in his life and he was obviously from a…
Today is Ash Wednesday, a day many begin a fast in honor of the season that will lead us to Easter…
The promises of God are precious, and we count on Him to keep them. As Jesus said, we ought just to…
What does having faith in God look like in your life? Can you trust Him to provide for your needs,…
Often, it’s easy to think of the stories of the Bible as mystical or far-off, not something that…