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Healing Provided Confidence in God

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“I started experiencing feeling a little tired and fatigued. And then I started getting some tightening in my esophagus in my throat, like near where your thyroid would be.” Michele Justice recalls, “And it was affecting my vocal cords and my speaking. I was experiencing some hoarseness, it was making me concerned, especially in the industry that I'm in, where I work, very physical work for a living in the cleaning, you know, cleaning industry. And this had been quite a few months of feeling that way. I knew I had an upcoming appointment with the doctor for your routine well check and bloodwork. So I was looking forward to that to address that with her. And when they did the blood work, they found that my thyroid, the antibodies of my thyroid were elevated."

Michele continues, “So my husband and I prayed together about it, and we agreed in prayer that the Lord would touch and I receive healing for that area of my body.” She says, “I watch the 700 Club on a regular basis in the afternoons. And this particular day I was, you know, looking forward to the prayer time at the end of the hour, toward the end of the show. I put my hands across my esophagus where I felt like I had all that pain and pressure. And as I was doing that, Ashley Key had received a word of knowledge."

Ashley said on the 700 Club, “Yeah, I believe some of you just put your hand over your throat, like where your esophagus is, and you've been having a lot of trouble in that part of your body. It's hard for you to swallow. It's hard for you to talk. I'm not sure if there's a tear in your esophagus area, but I believe God is literally healing that for you right now And in the name of Jesus.”

“And I could feel, you know, the power of God and this excitement come over me thinking, yes, at last relief,” says Michele. “And I just felt instant relief. And I didn't feel that pressure swallowing any more. I didn't have a hard time talking. I noticed I was talking more clearly. I didn't have that strain or hoarseness. And when I returned to the doctor, she saw that the thyroid had improved in the bloodwork. I really was grateful to receive that touch from God. Our prayers had been answered. We didn't doubt that they would be, but we were excited that they were answered to that level. It provided confidence in God and that He was well aware of my circumstances and taking care of the problem. So that was wonderful. And the relief I received, grateful to God for that.”

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About The Author

Isaac Gwin

Isaac Gwin joined Operation Blessing in 2013 as a National Media Liaison producing domestic hunger relief stories. He then moved to Israel in 2015 where he spent the next six years as a CBN Features Producer developing stories throughout the Middle East. Now back in the U.S., Isaac continues to produce inspiring, true life stories for The 700 Club.