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Leading the Way for CA Revival

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Ross Johnston is a revivalist who is a leader and co-founder of California Will Be Saved. He has a heart for loving Jesus, building family, and preaching the Gospel. He is also one of the persons who is on the frontlines in leading revival in California as well as on a mission to unite the body of Christ. He recently left his six-figure job at one of the top online businesses in America to become a full-time missionary in California with the desire to lay his life down for the Gospel.  


Ross was born by artificial insemination and grew up in a lesbian household with two moms. At 15 years old he was invited to church where he encountered the Holy Spirit and presence of God for the first time in his life. He then surrendered his life to Jesus and became born again. Shortly after he began attending college in San Diego where he earned his degree and began to run multiple businesses – and eventually walked away from the Lord. When 2020 came, the Holy Spirit spoke to him and said, “If you don’t stand now, you never will.” This was the moment he knew he was born for and decided to resign from his full-time job and pursue what the Lord had spoken to him about preaching the gospel. His heart burns for revival: that the church would be revived back to first love for Jesus, the lost would be revived to life through Jesus and that society would be reformed back to God’s design. 


Ross’s own words read as follows: “My greatest desire is that the presence of Jesus would become the greatest reality and desire of our lives. To love Him and be loved by Him are truly better than life itself. My hope is that in the same way the spirit of revival woke me up, set me on fire and launched me to impact my family and the nations of the earth that the same would happen for you. I believe this community will ignite revival in you which will lead to revival through you in a lost and broken world. I truly believe revival is the only hope for our world, why? We’re out of all other solutions, it is revival or bust. Either the body of Christ catches this spirit of revival to revive our society back to Jesus or the future may be one we can’t quite imagine."

Ross believes that revival is the hope for world. We can’t look to the elected officials or “social and economics” for answers. Our answer will only be found when the Spirit of the Lord begins to move in our generation. Ross breaks revival down into three “strands.”

•    The Church “body of Christ” is awakened and revived to her first love-Jesus.
•    Non-believers surrender to Christ, are born again and thus “revived back to life.”
•    Spirit filled believers are influenced and governed by Jesus, they will affect all spheres of society and will pray the prayer found in Matthew 6 “May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

Jesus is the only way to revival; He alone is the “hope of all nations.”  

“The Revivalists is a private community with a singular prophetic vision to equip, train and send revivalists across the nations. This community is for stay-at-home moms, business owners, students, athletes, and everyone else in between. His desire is that regardless of occupation or position you would begin to experience revival in your personal life that would then flow out of you to impact the world around you.”

Discover more about Ross Johnston at his website:

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Angell Vasko

Angell Vasko joined CBN in 1999. Acting as Floor Producer and Guest Coordinating Producer for The 700 Club, Angell briefs the cohosts before the live show and acts as a liaison between the control room and show talent during the broadcast.