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Rekindling the Power of God Within to Effect Change

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America needs revival. Our nation is in a downward spiral in every area of society and we are more divided than ever. Glen says, “It is not going to come from any source but God. It has to come through the Body of Christ. It has to come from us, but it cannot until we have personal revival.”


God wants you to believe that you are able to turn a life on for Christ. Don’t wait for someone else to tell people about Jesus. “You have been chosen to change the world. You were not saved to sit in church,” shares Glen. 

•  He recalls a time when he wanted to start a Christian club at a school, but met some resistance from a man named Steven who was in the occult. “If you go around starting Christian clubs, I’ll start satanic clubs in the same school,” said Steven. Glen was not worried about his threat because he knew as a Christian his club would win. Instead he spoke to Steven and said, “You know that you’ve been chosen to change the world.” Steven did not like what Glen said but he also never did start a satanic club. A few days later, Steven came to Glen’s church and confessed that he came to the service to kill him, but saw an angel behind him during the altar call. That night, Steven’s life was radically changed by Jesus.

•  One year, Glen and Deborah were vacationing and had stopped to eat at a restaurant. God shared something specific about the life of their waitress. Glen revealed this information to her. She was so touched that by the time they left the restaurant she had repented of her sins. It is important to tell people about Jesus. Get out of your comfort zone and share the good news.


In order for revival to take place you need the presence and power of God which comes with supernatural fire. In Judges 13:6-20, Manoah and his wife experienced the power of God. An angel came to his wife and told her she would have a child. Manoah did not believe her so he asked God to send the angel again. God did send the angel again with the same message. Afterwards, Manoah prepared an offering to the Lord. When he did the fire from his sacrifice shot up and the angel ascended to heaven. 

God wants to send fire into your life too. In order for this to happen you must make time alone with God without distractions. Pray and ask God to cleanse your heart and remove everything hindering you from doing what He has called you to do. It is only when you align your heart with the Father’s intentions that you can then fight the enemy for our nations and for the world. 


“The condition of your heart determines what God can do in and through you,” shares Glen. There are four heart conditions to be aware of:

•  The lukewarm heart – don’t straddle the fence in your Christianity. God wants you to love Him, His presence, His Word, and His Church with all your heart. When you have more of God and less of yourself, God will manifest His presence through you. You are a fire for Him.

•  The wounded heart –  a heart full of unforgiveness, resentment, and bitterness. The only way to combat this is to “take every thought captive” just as the Bible tells us (2 Cor. 10:5) and ultimately forgive those who’ve wronged you.

•  The hardened heart – is a disobedient heart. Obedience brings blessing.

•  The broken heart – this heart condition does not resist God. It is a fully surrendered heart. “God is looking for a broken heart so that He can put His fire and His power in it.

You also need power that can only come from the baptism of the Holy Spirit. God used the Holy Spirit to lead Jesus when he was tempted by the devil in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1). In the Book of Acts, the Holy Spirit came to the disciples in the Upper Room. Before He came they were weak, afraid, and timid. They had observed Jesus, but had no power to perform anything. The number of people that Peter led to the Lord before Jesus died was zero. The first day he received the Holy Spirit he led three thousand people to the Lord. 

Glen spoke years ago at Planetshakers, a global movement aimed at equipping generations to reach the world. He was preaching a message in Melbourne, Australia when he felt led to illustrate how we are to take the devil down. Glen recreated Jesus dominating Satan as He went down to hell and defeated death, hell, and the grave. Everyone in attendance jumped to their feet and began to roar. The sound level went to 122 decibels and lasted for twenty minutes. There was a breakthrough for people during his illustration. It wasn’t so much what Glen was preaching, but the sound of a group of people who were mobilized in unison. “There is something in the spiritual realm that we wake up when we are so fed up with the state of this world and our pitiful lives that we want to get filled up with power to make a difference. When you get a mindset to do that, you will have revival,” shares Glen.


Glen had been active and fit most of his life, but he suffered a heart attack in the late nineties that required four bypasses and multiple stints. He thought his heart problems were behind him, but on November 25, 2019, Glen experienced a cardiac arrest in the parking lot of his church. Paramedics attempted to resuscitate him for 45 minutes before they got a faint pulse. “I died and was revived eight times,” shares Glen.

At the hospital, he was placed in an induced coma. The doctors expected him to die within hours. His church prayed for him. Doctors told Deborah, “Your husband is not going to survive.” For 5 days Glen hovered between life and death. At the end of the fifth day, Glen’s personal physician texted his family with the words “Miracle Sunday.” Glen regained consciousness and began breathing on his own. The medical staff was shocked. He was sent home to continue his recovery.

Multiple bones that were broken in the resuscitation efforts, needed time to heal. Glen also recounts a prophetic dream he had while unconscious. He says, “I was put in a room called death. It was dark and I couldn’t see anything. There was light coming through the crack under the door. I could hear noise. The noise was coming from thousands of believers…demanding the spirit of death to release me.” A few months later, Glen was back in the pulpit with renewed passion and purpose. He tells everyone about the miracle working power of God. *Since this time he has had prostate cancer, bladder surgery, and valley fever (which he has been recovering from for the past two years).


Glen was a high school running back and accepted a scholarship to Louisiana Tech University. He was raised Catholic, but did not have a relationship with Jesus. During his freshman year, someone encouraged him to turn his life over to Jesus. Glen made that decision his junior year of college (1973). A few years later, he then became a youth pastor, and then a few years later established one of the largest youth ministries in the nation. 

He and his wife Deborah are founding pastors of The House Churches. The House Network of Churches is made up of more than fifty churches in the United States and around the world. They were senior pastors of The House Modesto, in Modesto California for over thirty years. Their ministry was life changing for the city and the people of that community. Over 160,000 people have come to the Lord through the outreaches of The House Modesto. Glen continues to minister at conferences, events, churches, and conventions all over the world. Currently, he and his wife live in Colleyville, Texas.

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