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Unlocking God’s Abundance

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After college, John and Amber McCann met at church in New Orleans. A short time later, Amber was on a cruise with friends when John flew out to surprise her and propose at a port of call. 

“I was on the beach as she got off the boat, and I had big signs asking her, ‘Will she marry me?’” John shared. “She looked like she saw a ghost because she wasn't expecting to see me there.”   

Now engaged, John was transitioning from a marketing position into real estate. Amber was doing well in the restaurant business. Then, right before they married, the pandemic hit, and Amber lost her job. "New Orleans is big on hospitality, so all of that was affected,” Amber explained. “So, I couldn't even go out and find a new job.”

Soon they were married and living on just one income. For John, it was a challenge. He was working 60-80 hours a week and had over one hundred thousand dollars of student loans looming.

“At the end of the month, there literally was like a few dollars left,” he said. “There was like no margin between the bills that we had and the income that I was making, so it was very stressful for me as a husband and someone that wants to be able to provide for their household. I literally got sick. I got shingles because I was so stressed out.”

Despite their financial instability, they never stopped tithing, a concept they both learned growing up. “One thing that we always believed is like, 90% of our income with God is better than a hundred percent of our income without God,” John shared. "So, we always wanted to make sure that we tithed, and I do believe I was being tested with my giving: ‘Am I still going to give, although I still haven't sold my first house yet?’ You know.” 

“It goes against your comfort,” Amber added. “But I can honestly say that each time I’ve had to do that, God has always met me on the other side.” So, they continued to give with expectation, and after several months, John sold his first home as a licensed real estate agent. “It was just like, oh, we could breathe. ‘Thank you, Jesus,’ exclaimed John. And then after that, within that first sale, by the end of the year, we had closed on nearly 5 million in sales.”

“I don't think John and I would be in the financial position we are today if we hadn't given and if we hadn't tithed,” Amber stated.

Today, Amber helps John with real estate and has a successful faith and lifestyle YouTube channel. The couple is doing better than ever. They continue to tithe and give, while building a substantial savings account. Plus, they have paid-off thousands of dollars of John’s school loan, with plans to completely wipe their student debt out in the next two years.

John said, “I just remember the Holy Spirit telling me, ‘You're a part of my kingdom, and I’m going to take care of you.’ We literally went from like a month-to-month situation to like, you know, just the overflow of God's blessings and provision for us financially, to now where we are in a place to where we are able to help other people.”

“I have such a heart for missions,” Amber explained, “And I know John has that same sentiment, and that's why we give, and that's why we continue to do it. It's an opportunity to not just make a difference in someone's life, but to make an impact for the kingdom.”

They believe that following God leads to abundant life. “There are promises that are attached to giving, because it all belongs to Him ultimately,” John exclaimed. “As He says, 'Yes, give and it will be given to you.’ So, if we want it to be given to us, we have to obey. I've always believed that my responsibility is obedience. God's responsibility is outcome. But when you show Him, ‘Hey God, I trust You, I’m going to give to You,’ that's the key to unlock the abundance of heaven.”

“Every time I give, I'm receiving something so much greater in return,” concluded Amber. “And the more I practice generosity, and the more I give, the closer I am to God and the more thankful I am.”

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About The Author

Cheryl Wilcox Headshot

Cheryl Wilcox, Coordinating Producer, The 700 Club. I hail from a Jesus loving SoCal surf family 🏄🏻‍♀️. I’m the mother of two brilliant, business owning daughters. My heroes are the Great Emancipators and Corrie Ten Boom 🇳🇱. I scull 🚣🏻‍♀️ for life balance, (it’s a little easier than surfing) and I’m passionate about organic food 🥗 and gardening. Since 1989, I’ve produced feature stories 🎬 for CBN. In my free time I enjoy reading about the lives of Saints – like Julian of Norwich🇬🇧. I’m baptized Anglican. Christ is King! 💫

About The Author

Zsa Zsa Palagyi
Zsa Zsa

Zsa Zsa Palagyi loves to tell stories about the Lord. Originally from California, she moved to NYC to work in TV, where she committed her life to Christ and was later called into Christian media. Now a CBN producer and Christian radio on-air personality, she seeks authenticity and enjoys art, culture, travel, fitness, fashion, the beach, and cats.