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The Secret to Making Your Dreams Come True

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For 29 years, George and Sharron Williams dreamed of owning a successful business. George said, “We wanted something that would last and that we could pass on to our children.”

George worked as a salesman and a freelance writer. Sharron worked off-and-on in home healthcare. They tried, twice, to launch their own business. Both attempts fell short, leaving them with $30,000 in credit card debt. Sharron recalled, “We were really struggling. I remember one time when I didn’t have enough money for gas.”

George shared, “Things have to be better because we were reading the word of God and we were praying.”

In 2000, they joined a new church. There, they learned about tithing. George said, “And when we did give, we found unexpected blessings coming our way. I started getting larger writing assignments.”

Sharron said, “There was opportunities or pay raises, promotions on the job. We noticed that when we gave more to the Lord, He gave more back to us.”

Within seven years, the family paid off their credit card debt. Then one day, Sharron was watching the 700 Club. She saw the story about a couple who owned their own hair salon. That inspired her to take her leap of faith.

Sharron shared, “And I thought wow, you know if they can do that through tithing, grow their business, we need to try it.”

Drawing from her experience in home healthcare, Sharron started a new business. This one, as a home health care consultant.

George recalled, “I told Sharron, 'You know this industry like the back of your hand. Now is the time that maybe you can fill that void.'"

In February 2015, the Williams officially launched Optimal Healthcare Solutions. This time, though, they would depend on God.

Sharron remembered, “He would put things out in front of me. Data or information on how to build a consulting business. God was preparing me along the way. All those things that I needed, God just put it in my lap.”

They committed to continue tithing and give to places like CBN. And they did not stop even with the challenges that came in their first year of their new business.

Sharron shared, “There was times where we couldn’t pay the mortgage. My husband would say, “Ok, let’s give on faith so that God can bless us,” and we would give to CBN. One time we got an envelope that came in the mail and it was the exact money we needed to pay our mortgage.

George shared, “God just told us to trust Him. The second year, things just really started to take off for us.”

That second year, their profits doubled, and business continued to grow. The Williams increased their giving to CBN.

George said, “We were able to trust God more and trust Him for the big things. And giving more seemed perfectly logical to us.”

Now, George and Sharron are living their dream of running their own business…they’re grateful to God for their success, which they credit through their obedience and heart’s desire to give.

Georges added, “I would encourage anyone to give, just give. Trust God and be obedient to His word and you will find a transformation takes place in your life and not just materially, but spiritually. God is faithful and you can stand on His word.”

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About The Author

Debbie White

Debbie is proud to be a “home grown” 700 Club producer. She gives all the credit for her skills to mentors who are the “best in the biz”, and a company like CBN that invested in developing her talent. Joining CBN as a freshly minted college graduate with a BS in Psychology and the zest of a new Christian, she was eager to learn television. Over the next 20 years, she held many challenging roles, but found her “home” producing testimonies for The 700 Club. Like Eric Liddell as he ran in “Chariots of Fire,” she feels “His pleasure” when she produces one of God’s life-changing stories.

About The Author

Cheryl Wilcox Headshot

Cheryl Wilcox, Coordinating Producer, The 700 Club. I hail from a Jesus loving SoCal surf family 🏄🏻‍♀️. I’m the mother of two brilliant, business owning daughters. My heroes are the Great Emancipators and Corrie Ten Boom 🇳🇱. I scull 🚣🏻‍♀️ for life balance, (it’s a little easier than surfing) and I’m passionate about organic food 🥗 and gardening. Since 1989, I’ve produced feature stories 🎬 for CBN. In my free time I enjoy reading about the lives of Saints – like Julian of Norwich🇬🇧. I’m baptized Anglican. Christ is King! 💫

About The Author

Michelle Wilson

Michelle’s been with CBN since 2003 as a 700 Club reporter-producer. She’s an award-winning producer who’s traveled to seven countries producing life-changing stories on healings, salvations, and natural disasters, reaching millions for Jesus. She’s an entrepreneur and humanitarian who gives generously to those in need through Michelle Wilson Ministries.