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Mixing Finances with Faith

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In 2014, Linda and Danny Robinson were facing a financial crisis. It started when Linda lost the banking job she’d held for 14 years after the bank came under new ownership.

“I did not think I could get another job because I was 54,” Linda said with tears in her eyes. “I was very scared that I didn’t have the funds to pay the bills that was due, thinking that we may not have food to eat.”

Danny was also struggling to secure steady work with a trucking company as a driver. He would land temporary jobs, but needed something full-time.   

“It made me feel bad,” Danny said. “It seemed like at that time I was at a standstill.”

The Robinson’s turned to prayer, desperately asking God to intervene. They’d learned about the principals of tithing at their church over the years, but never put it into practice. Believing that God was calling them to start trusting Him with their finances, the Robinson’s made the decision to tithe.

“I wasn’t giving Him my all,” Linda said about her walk with the Lord. “I had tried everything else, you know, and so why not try God?”

“Then the Lord showed me that, ‘Hey, if you give it, I will give it back to you,’” Danny said.

Linda applied to many jobs over the next two years without success, but they managed to get by on the little Danny brought in from temporary work until they were down to their last one hundred dollars. Through it all they continued to tithe. Then one day, while praying along with The 700 Club, Linda says she received a word from God that she would soon get a job. She then contacted a potential employer she had already applied to.     

“I called the bank,” Linda explained. “And the woman I spoke to said, ‘I did not know that your application was out there.’ And I said, ‘Well, yes it is, it’s out there.’ And she pulled it in and she said, ‘Linda, I want you to come in.’ And so they decided to hire me. Once I started for the bank, the bonuses started coming, the raises started coming. It just blew my mind.”

A few months after Linda got her new job, Danny says the Lord guided him to a trucking firm simply to inquire about a potential job, but instead the owner offered Danny the opportunity to finance a truck for himself at a rate the family could afford, which in turn helped him find steady work.

“It was a good feeling, you know, to be led that way,” Danny said. “It really is a good thing to follow God”
After the Robinson’s both found work, they decided to become 700 Club partner’s because they wanted to see their money go to help others in need.

“I love to hear the stories how my little finance has helped someone else,” Linda Said. “I wanted to help them just like God helped me. It makes me feel wonderful that I’m able to give to The 700 Club. It makes my heart say, ‘Yes!’”

“When I give my money to The 700 Club I know it’s going to a good place,” Danny said. “You know, and somebody else being blessed.”

The Robinson’s say they’ve tripled their income since they began tithing. They give all the credit to God for the many blessings they’ve received.

“Giving is a great thing in life, especially when you’re giving to God,” Danny said. “If you do what He asked you to do and help somebody along the way, that you will be blessed through Him.”

“Trust Him, trust God,” Linda said. “You may have tried everything else, but if you just trust Him and try Him, He will be there for you. You will never be alone. You’ve just got to give your heart to Him, and know that He is God, and beside Him there’s no other.”

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About The Author

Isaac Gwin

Isaac Gwin joined Operation Blessing in 2013 as a National Media Liaison producing domestic hunger relief stories. He then moved to Israel in 2015 where he spent the next six years as a CBN Features Producer developing stories throughout the Middle East. Now back in the U.S., Isaac continues to produce inspiring, true life stories for The 700 Club.