Growing a Million-Dollar Business
Ask Josh Wildman how a simple family laundry business in Indiana started turning 100 million dollars a year in revenue, and he’ll tell you, “We are very intentional that we are, as a family, we're Christians. As a business, we are running our business based on biblical values.”
That includes tithing. As a third generation CEO of Wildman Business Group, Josh and his wife, Leslie, have seen how tithing and giving, personally and from the business, pays off. Leslie explains, “It was a no brainer for us. We always gave. I think both of us felt like we wanted to serve the Lord and we wanted God to bless our marriage and our family.”
Josh remembers when his father first modeled giving sacrificially from the business. Josh’s dad committed to giving $250,000 to a church building fund. “We didn't have it. The math didn't work,” Josh admitted. “But from there, we just saw that God says, ‘You know, it's all mine anyways. You just, you just have the opportunity to steward it for me.’ I think before that I understood tithing and that this is what the Bible says, this is what the Lord commands and asks. But it became, you know, from the understanding in the head to an understanding in the heart.”
After that, the business took off, expanding into five divisions, and Josh took over as CEO. He shared, “That’s just, God said it. We were faithful in it, and He's just showed up like He said He would. You know, it's so obvious, God's hand is on it.”
Today, the couple wants to make more so they can help more people. “We give off the gross 10% to tithe, and if we feel convicted or called that this is something we need to get behind that is going be a little more sacrificial in the family budget, we give above and beyond that,” Josh said. “It is a lot of fun when somebody has a need, and they ask, to be able to say, ‘You know what, we can help you with that.’”
They give over 20% from the business and support over 50 organizations. Leslie said, “It's human nature to think, ‘Oh my gosh, are we going to run out of money if we give too much?’ You know? But it's amazing how God just blesses you exceedingly abundantly above and beyond every time.”
Meanwhile, Josh and Leslie regularly take mission trips to the Dominican Republic. They invite their employees to go with them. Josh explained, “God really worked on my heart, broke my heart for what breaks His, which is the poor, and the sick, and the widowed, and the orphaned.” Leslie added, “To come face to face with true, true poverty is life changing. And then just given the opportunity to do something about it is so life giving.”
As the business’s revenue continues to grow, the couple gives all the credit to God. “God's faithfulness in this, He says it in Malachi 3:10, ‘Test me in this and see if I don't pour out more blessing. And so much so that your storehouses won't be able to contain it.’”
“Just try it out,” Leslie concluded. “See what happens. He is a miracle working God.”