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No More Frogs in the Water!

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Jhan, a 9-year-old boy living in the Andes mountains of Peru, used to have to wake up early every morning to ride his bike to get bottled water for his family. Their main water source was an open pit well filled with bacteria, and when it ran dry, they had to walk 40 minutes each way to a river to get water that was also dangerous to drink.

Jhan and his siblings have gotten sick from drinking the bad water. "When I was sick I had a headache, a stomach ache and diarrhea," Jhan said. "I could not do anything but lie down and sleep."

Jhan's mother, Cirila, said they have faced critical water shortages for generations. "I've been here for 37 years, ever since I was a child," she said. "We have had little or no water. We must go somewhere every day to get some."

But then, Operation Blessing arrived in the community and built a large capacity storage tank over a new underground spring. A solar-powered electric pump fills the tank, and the water is then purified and sent via a network of pipes to every home and family in the community.

Now, Jhan and his family have access to clean water for the first time in their lives. "I'm happy because I have clean water," Jhan said. "We can drink it and it tastes great!"

Cirila is also grateful for the new water system. "Now the water is safe for us to cook with and to drink," she said. "I can use it to bathe my children."

Both Jhan and Cirila thanked Operation Blessing for bringing clean water to their community. "Thank you very much to everyone who gave us this clean water," Jhan said. "I am happy! Thank you."

"I am very grateful to Operation Blessing," Cirila said. "Thank you for giving us water. Now we are so happy!"

How to Help:

Operation Blessing is a Christian humanitarian organization that provides clean water, food, medical care, and disaster relief to people in need around the world. You can help Operation Blessing continue to provide clean water to communities like Jhan's by donating today.


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About The Author

Ken Hulme

CBN International Managing Director for The 700 Club | Ken's been telling stories as a producer and writer for nearly 40 years. Currently, he manages and mentors media teams based in countries worldwide that provide stories about the work of CBN, Operation Blessing, and Orphan’s Promise for The 700 Club and other media platforms. He is married with four adult children and nine grandchildren.