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God’s Provision in a Time of Need

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Deidre and her husband, Stacey, value their faith and family above all else. After Stacey accepted a new job that allowed him to spend more time with his family, he soon discovered the job didn’t pay enough to cover their expenses. 

Stacey recalled, “But I was still trusting God. I was still saying, 'you know, God, you’re working it out for the good and I'm trusting you. You know, I'm looking for positions. You got this God.'” 

Deidra worked full-time as a teacher, but with Stacey’s cut in pay, they needed help.

“Financially, there was quite a strain, just making ends meet, being able to pay bills on time. You know, I just kind of trusted that God would provide for us,” Deidre said. 

That’s when Stacey and Deidre discovered the Kingdom Investing Outreach Center, a partner of Operation Blessing

Stacey described, “They gave a lot of love. They just make you feel right at home. And I shared the food with my family. We were all excited, I mean the kids were excited. It’s a blessing to be able to see your kids, you know, have everything they need when it comes to their eating.”  

The family received the food they needed to thrive, and God provided a job for Stacey that is paving the way for a better future.

With a heart of gladness Deidra commented, “So grateful that there is always hope, no matter the situation. God is like, ‘Stay focused on Me, because the God of the universe can do anything!’” 

Thanks to the support of our partners, families all around the world are receiving help in times of need.

“I want to say thank you, very much from my heart to yours. We’re grateful for God just allowing you to be that vessel to be a blessing. And I say to continue to being a blessing to Operation Blessing,” said Stacey.

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About The Author

Alex Macdonald Headshot - OB

As a National Media Liaison for Operation Blessing, Alex Macdonald produces all the hunger relief stories throughout the US. With a passion to bring help and hope to the hungry and hurting, Alex seeks to share testimonies of lives impacted by Operation Blessing and their ministry partners in an effort to spread the transformational power and love of Christ.

About The Author

Dan Reany

Daniel Reany works with domestic and international producers to share stories of God’s love changing people’s lives. His main focus is on CBN’s humanitarian work. He holds an MA in anthropology, and volunteers with the Order of St. John. In their spare time, he and his wife enjoy travel, medieval reenactments, and hosting events.