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Freedom from Pain

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5-year-old, Alexander, and his brother live with their grandma in Chiapas, Mexico. The boys’ parents work in another city to provide for their sons. They were getting by, according to Grandma Carmen, until Alexander developed shooting pains in his leg from an undiagnosed hernia. “He would wake up crying a lot at night, I wondered what was wrong,” she said. “There was not a single night that he did not wake up crying.” 

“The pain felt like someone was stabbing me in my leg,” Alexander added. “It hurt a lot. I could not play with my brother or my cousins.” 

Alexander’s parents and his grandmother finally saved enough to take him to a doctor. “He said Alexander had an inguinal hernia and needed surgery. He said it would cost $700 dollars,” said Grandma breaking down into tears. “I started crying when I heard that.”

Operation Blessing met Alexander during a Medical Outreach we were holding in his community. We then paid for him to receive free surgery to repair the hernia. Since then, Alexander says he feels all better. “It doesn’t hurt anymore. I can play now! Thank you.”

Thank you to Operation Blessing and the people who helped us with Alexander’s surgery,” said Grandma too. “Thank you and God bless you.”

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About The Author

Ken Hulme

CBN International Managing Director for The 700 Club | Ken's been telling stories as a producer and writer for nearly 40 years. Currently, he manages and mentors media teams based in countries worldwide that provide stories about the work of CBN, Operation Blessing, and Orphan’s Promise for The 700 Club and other media platforms. He is married with four adult children and nine grandchildren.