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Seeing God’s Protection at Work Over Your Finances

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Jerry and Mary Fitzgerald love antiques, turning their property into a showcase of relics across their three acres of land. Something they love even more than collecting antiques, is giving.

Jerry shared, “I believe that it's important to give because ministries don't operate on nothing.”

Mary said, “When we give the gospel is going out to reach people.”

They first learned about giving in 2009. They had started going to church together after going through a rough patch in their marriage.

Mary recalled, “I continued to be a little hesitant about tithing and giving more. When I finally relaxed and understood and the Lord really showed me how important tithing and giving was, I did not have a problem with it any longer. When God shows you and God touches your heart and you want to give. He’s gonna work it all out. He will always supply your needs.”

Jerry said, “It's just like planting a seed in the ground and then you cover it up. The soil and the water comes and the sun hits it and it grows.”

Once the couple began tithing and giving consistently, they soon saw the benefits. That same year, Jerry received notice that he would be laid off due to the refinery where he worked shutting down. Before his last day of work, he had two job offers. He picked one and started right away with no lapse in pay or benefits.

Jerry shared, “I'm gonna hold in my word and giving back to God what He's given to me no matter what the situation is. Because I know that if I do what God told me to do, God's going to do what He told me He would do. I put it in God's hands. In fact, that week we were able to get double tithes.”

Mary said, “I think as we were being faithful, God provided. The more we made, the more we gave.”

In addition to tithing to their church, the Fitzgeralds started giving to CBN to support CBN’s global outreach projects.

Mary shared, “Orphans Promise really touches me and when I see children without parents, it's just really special to see that they're receiving love in a home and learning about Jesus.”

Jerry especially loves supporting Superbook and Operation Blessing.

Jerry shared, “Not only are they meeting people's physical needs, but they're meeting their spiritual needs too. The Bible stories are broken down in a way that children can understand it.”

In 2022, Jerry was offered a new position that pays 20% more than his previous one. The Fitzgeralds know their lives have been sustained as a direct result of giving to God. They encourage everyone to give so they can be blessed too.

Mary said, “If I had known what I know now about tithing and giving, I would've been doing it all my life. If we stay faithful and we rely on God, He's gonna take care of us.”

Jerry stated, “God cannot pour into closed hands. You've got to open them and you gotta give. And when you give, God gives back in return, just like it says in Luke, press down, running over. God’s going to be faithful to His promises.”


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About The Author

Michelle Wilson

Michelle’s been with CBN since 2003 as a 700 Club reporter-producer. She’s an award-winning producer who’s traveled to seven countries producing life-changing stories on healings, salvations, and natural disasters, reaching millions for Jesus. She’s an entrepreneur and humanitarian who gives generously to those in need through Michelle Wilson Ministries.