Lifetime Devotion to Ministry Gifted to University
Diana Ingle invited Jesus into her heart at age 7 and was baptized in the Holy Spirit at 14 years old at an ecumenical Pentecost celebration and began to sing in tongues. After a couple of years of struggling with teenage temptations at 18, she was healed of a tumor and fully dedicated her life to Jesus. She has since served in many ministries, one of which was Aglow International.
In 2007, Diana traveled to Seattle, WA to attend the international Aglow conference where they were celebrating 40 years of ministry. During the conference, she was introduced to Rita Bennett. It didn’t take long for them to realize they were kindred spirits. “The Lord told me to give this to you,” Rita said as she handed Diana her syllabus on inner healing. Right then, Diana heard the Lord say, “Your life just changed.”
Later, while Diana was praying, the Lord also showed her that she was to serve Rita. He gave her a vision of an office that she and Rita were in. Not sure what all the vision meant, Diana kept the information to herself.
The following year, she stayed with Rita. When Diana was welcomed into Rita's office for the first time, she was awe-struck because it was the same office that God showed her in the vision. During that same visit, Diana noticed that Rita wasn’t acting like herself. When she asked Rita what was bothering her, she responded, “I no longer have a personal assistant to help me.” Diana knew she was supposed to step into that role.
As they worked together, the Lord put it on Diana's heart to bring Rita tea on a tray every day at 3:00 pm. After a few days, Rita looked at Diana and said, “You don’t understand the significance of what you’re doing.” Rita’s husband Dennis passed in 1991 (in the 1960s, he was part of the worldwide Charismatic Renewal). Diana had no idea that Dennis used to serve Rita tea on a tray each day. Diana’s actions brought Rita a tremendous amount of comfort.
In 2008, Diana founded the New Zealand CRA branch. During this time, she also traveled back and forth between New Zealand and the United States while Rita continued to mentor her. In 2015, Rita and the CRA Board appointed Diana as her successor.
In March 2021, Diana came to the US to be Rita's companion during her final days, and to transition into the leadership of CRA USA, now known as CRA-Restore. Diana was with Rita when she went to Heaven.
In respect for Dennis and Rita's original vision for the ministry, Diana and the CRA Restore Board will continue the ministry's focus on the importance of bringing people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and equipping the Body of Christ for ministry through inner healing and deliverance.
Rita Bennett was blessed with a special mission of bringing inner healing from emotional and physical trauma to thousands of people worldwide. Diana’s vision is to see an increased global missionary focus, partnering with Christian churches and ministries, to train trainers in the Body of Christ to bring God's healing to the nations.
Diana has just returned from a 3-week mission to Tanzania in collaboration with an Anglican mission organization (SOMA) and the Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of the Rift Valley. Together they saw many miracles and trained over 550 leaders in the power of the Holy Spirit and are already implementing the ministry in their local churches.
CRA was founded by Rita and Rev. Dennis Bennett in 1968 to promote Charismatic Renewal interdenominationally worldwide, and to train people in Rita’s renowned inner healing ministry, Emotionally Free, which began within CRA in 1976 and expanded with the publication of her book You Can Be Emotionally Free (over 100,000 sold) and its corresponding seminar course.
Dennis was known as the first episcopal priest to publicly minister the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. Together he and Rita traveled and ministered across denominations internationally and wrote many books. Dennis passed away in 1991. Rita served as president and CEO of CRA for 30 years, writing and teaching courses on inner healing and prayer, publishing several more books, and speaking at retreats, conferences, seminaries, and on television. Under her leadership, the ministry of CRA expanded internationally, with associated ministries being established in New Zealand and East Africa. Rita passed away in May of 2021.
In 2008, Rita earned her master's degree from Bastyr University in Kenmore, Washington in Marriage and Family Therapy and continued to practice her ministry of inner healing by providing personal counseling services. Oral Roberts University conferred an Honorary Doctoral degree, which recognized with distinction Rita's extensive work in emotional and spiritual healing.
The Rita Bennett Collection comprises more than 2,400 items related to the life and work of Dr. Rita Bennett. The Collection covers her life in ministry, first with her husband, Rev. Dennis Bennett, and continuing after his passing. The Collection includes letters, speeches, articles, photographs, newspaper clippings, published books, sound recordings, films, and original poems and musical compositions.
Today, the Rita Bennett Collection joined the Rev. Dennis J. Bennett Papers, which have been housed at the Regent Library Special Collections since 2012. Regent is inviting all to join the dedication service of the Rita Bennett Collection on Thursday, November 17 at 3:00 pm. The event will take place in the Library Gallery and will be streamed on Zoom. For more information on the collection, log onto