Crandall, M.D.
Best-selling author, latest: Fight Back, (Humanix Books, 2020)
Dir., Preventive Medicine at the Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic and Chief of Interventional Cardiology at Good Samaritan Medical Center in Palm Beach, FL
Editor of popular medical newsletter, Dr. Crandall’s Heart Health Report
Serves on Board of Trustees for Regent University
Chairman of the non-profit Chadwick Foundation (established in memory of his son, Chad) provides missionary based medicine and education in the Caribbean, Africa, South America, Europe, and Haiti
Education: BS, Anthropology, Virginia Commonwealth University; MD, Post-doctoral work, Yale University School of Medicine, 3 years research in the Cardiovascular Surgery Div., Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
Married: Deborah
Sons: Christian & Chad (passed away in 2004)