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Caleb Grimes


Caleb Grimes saw the first Star Wars movie at the age of 7 in a drive-in theater in Southern California. From that moment on, Star Wars has affected how he sees life and faith.

Caleb Grimes sees many truths, both spiritual and practical, reflected in the George Lucas movies. Sound nerdy? Yeah, it kind of is, but Grimes brings out in Star Wars Jesus how this is partly because of the modern myth that is Star Wars, and partly because Lucas created real characters who interact with their world in a similar way to how we interact with ours.

Grimes is the first to say that all art, especially the Star Wars movies, can be enjoyed first and foremost for what they are. Star Wars is not about Christianity, it is an epic tale of space battles, different worlds, warriors and secret powers. Grimes also believes, however, that no appreciation of art is complete without a solid analysis of how that art is valid to its audience. It is with this perspective that Grimes approaches the work he has subtitled, "a spiritual commentary on the reality of the Force."