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Seattle School-Based Health Program Offers Transgender 'Hormonal Treatments' to Minors

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A parental rights watchdog group has recently released emails from a healthcare organization operating inside Seattle Public Schools showing that they offer so-called "gender-affirming care services" to students including "hormonal treatments."

Parents Defending Education, a national grassroots organization whose mission is to "reclaim our schools from activists imposing harmful agendas," obtained and released emails last month from Neighborcare Health, a healthcare clinic that operates in 14 of Seattle Public Schools' elementary, middle, and high schools.

In a January 25, 2023 email, the Neighborcare Health School-Based Health Program Manager stated that starting in February 2023 they would "begin offering comprehensive, evidence-based, gender-affirming care services to our students and families who need them."

The health center said it would provide "supportive student counseling, promotion of social identity, and health education" and that would include "offering families access to important medical interventions including hormonal treatments."

READ Pediatrician Group Points to 60 Studies Showing Gender Transition Has No Long-Term Benefit

"This level of care can only be consented to by a parent or legal guardian, and all gender-affirming care treatments will be an informed and private decision made between a parent, their child, and their healthcare provider," the email clarified. 

A spokesperson for Neighborcare Health told CBN News the organization "follows all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to the provision of health care, including those relating to parental/guardian consent and patient confidentiality."

They also contend that services offered to transgender and non-binary students "align with best practices defined by regional and national pediatric care authorities and is aimed at meeting needs expressed by the students and families."

READ Sweden Pulls Back from Gender Affirming Care on Minors: 'Good Psychosocial Care Is Fundamental'

According to Parents Defending Education, Seattle Public Schools has a policy in place that allows staff to hide a student's gender transition from parents. That policy is enacted in at least 1,040 districts representing more than 10.7 million students.

The watchdog group is also blowing the whistle on a "research scientist" from the Multicare Gender Health Research Program in Washington state who was allowed to send a survey to students as young as 14 years old asking them about "gender-affirming healthcare" and promising a $20 compensation. 
"Please do not post anything about this online, especially on social media. We have learned that bots and bad actors specifically target queer research efforts to sabotage the work and/or take the financial incentive. We have several data quality/safety measures built in, but I'd like to do everything we can to ensure that real and eligible humans are participating," reads the email obtained by Parents Defending Education through a public records request to Tacoma Public Schools.
Students were asked to answer survey questions with a "strongly agree," "agree," "somewhat agree," "somewhat disagree," "disagree," or "strongly disagree" response. 

Some questions asked in this survey include:
*I know where to find good information about gender-affirming care.
* My gender-affirming care provider respects who I am.
* I have had to teach my healthcare providers about gender-affirming care.
* I know/knew how to navigate the transition into adult gender-affirming care.
* I have experienced microaggressions, discrimination, or hostility from my parents/caregivers about my gender identity.
* I think that my primary healthcare provider has talked or might talk to my parents/caregivers about my gender without my permission.
* My parents/caregivers are (or were) worried about or afraid of me receiving gender-affirming care.

Meanwhile, other countries across Europe have halted these types of experimental, irreversible, gender-altering attempts that are still being targeted at minors across the U.S.

Early last month, the 128th German Medical Assembly passed two resolutions to protect children struggling with gender confusion. 

The assembly of 250 delegates from 17 German medical associations halted the distribution of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries for children under the age of 18 and restricted youth in the same age group from being allowed to "self-identify" into a chosen sex without a prior specialist child and adolescent psychiatric diagnosis and consultation. 

The resolution noted in part that there are "profound life-long consequences of youth transitions" and there is an "absence of reliable evidence in the area of youth transitions."

And as CBN News reported in March, England's National Health Service (NHS) announced it will no longer prescribe puberty-blocking drugs to children at gender identity clinics also citing there "is not enough evidence of safety and clinical effectiveness."

Meanwhile, Neighborcare told CBN News that "gender-affirming care in its many forms represents life-saving care for many of the youth and their families who choose it."

READ  'Butchered by an Institution': Woman Sues Hospital for Trans Surgery She Received as Kid

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Talia Wise has served as a multi-media producer for, CBN Newswatch, The Prayer Link, and CBN News social media outlets. Prior to joining CBN News she worked for Fox Sports Florida producing and reporting. Talia earned a master’s degree in journalism from Regent University and a bachelor's degree from the University of Virginia.