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'Oppose Antisemitism: Stop the Hate' - Chosen People Ministries Holding NYC Rally

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A mob of anti-Israel protestors shouted "Long live the Intifada" while waving flags associated with the terrorist group Hezbollah outside a New York City exhibit earlier this month honoring the lives of the victims murdered and raped at the Nova Music Festival on Oct. 7. It's the latest example of the increasing antisemitism on display in the U.S.

Since October 7, 2023, antisemitism in the U.S. has risen by 360 percent, according to Chosen People Ministries. The global organization, which is "dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel message of salvation in Jesus the Messiah," recently announced it will be hosting a rally in Manhattan later this week to unite in solidarity and stand against antisemitism. 

"Oppose Antisemitism: Stop the Hate," will be held on June 20, 2024, at 7 p.m. at Palladium Times Square in Manhattan. 

The event hosted by Chosen People Ministries will seek to confront and combat the dangerous rising tide of antisemitism most recently displayed in Manhattan during the "citywide day of rage for Gaza" that took place on June 10, according to the New York Post

Organizers clashed with police and yelled "Israel go to hell" during an event that had been intended to memorialize the 364 people killed by Hamas terrorists at the Nova Music Festival on Oct. 7. 

The Nova exhibit "sets out to recreate an event dedicated to peace and love that was brutally cut short by Hamas's attack on Israel from Gaza on that fateful day," according to its website.

While the exhibit will remain open until June 22, Chosen People Ministries is looking to stand against hateful rhetoric, violence, and discrimination that targets Jews through education, solidarity, and prayer.

"We cannot stand idly by while antisemitism continues to spread its pernicious ideology," said Dr. Mitch Glaser, president of Chosen People Ministries. "We must take action to support the Jewish people and oppose the genocidal attacks of Hamas, and various other Iranian proxies like Hezbollah, as well as the growing anti-Jewish movement in the United States and Europe."

The ministry's upcoming rally will feature speakers, worship, and teaching designed to raise awareness about the dangers of antisemitism and empower attendees to take meaningful action in their communities. 

Participants will learn about the historical roots of antisemitism to examine its modern manifestations.

"We look back at the Christians in Nazi Germany and say, 'Why didn't they stand up and speak out? Why were they so silent? Why were they such cowards?'" speaker Michael Brown, PhD, a Jewish believer and author, pointed out. "How will history look back on us? This murderous tide of antisemitism is rising today, on our watch, and in our day. How will we respond?"

A recent RMG Research survey commissioned by Summit Ministries, a conservative Christian organization, found that almost half (47 percent) of Gen Z sympathize with Hamas believing that Israel's greater wealth and military power makes the conflict against the terror group unjust.

Glaser and Chosen People Ministries are hoping the NYC rally will inspire people to "engage with their churches and pastors, evangelical institutions, universities, and major denominations to...take action against the rising antisemitism in North America and around the globe."

"As an organization committed to the welfare of the Jewish people, Chosen People Ministries refuses to remain silent in the face of hatred and bigotry," he added. "Through events like 'Oppose Antisemitism: Stop the Hate,' we hope to inspire individuals to become agents of change and champions of tolerance and understanding."

To learn more about "Oppose Antisemitism: Stop the Hate," click here.

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Talia Wise has served as a multi-media producer for, CBN Newswatch, The Prayer Link, and CBN News social media outlets. Prior to joining CBN News she worked for Fox Sports Florida producing and reporting. Talia earned a master’s degree in journalism from Regent University and a bachelor's degree from the University of Virginia.