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Photo: Richie McGinniss/X

'Get Him!' Brave Man Rescues Part of US Flag Burned by 'Pro-Hamas Agitators,' Then They Chase Him

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An unnamed man is receiving praise for reportedly rescuing remnants of an American flag being torched by what Fox News called anti-Israel and “pro-Hamas agitators.”

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The individual, who purportedly wishes to remain anonymous, identified himself as an attorney living and working in Washington, D.C.

“The dude who saved the flag is a lawyer who works nearby,” Richie McGinniss wrote on X. “[He] said he saw the flag burning and had to do something.”

Video of the incident captured by McGinniss showed a crowd gathering around a fire. While protestors gleefully waved Palestinian flags, an American flag could be seen on the ground being torched in the flames.

That’s when the unnamed attorney boldly walked up to the fire and took the American flag out with his bare hands, Fox News reported.

Protestors can be heard immediately reacting with someone yelling, “Get him!” as the man ran away from the scene. At least one person chased him before she grabbed the flag, tripped, and fell to the ground.

McGinniss said the man was “nearly tackled” during the ordeal. But he apparently didn’t regret trying to save as much of the flag as possible.

“I grabbed what I could out of the fire and ran,” the man told McGinniss, according to Fox News. “I’m ashamed I didn’t stop and go back and get the rest of it.”

WATCH: CBN News Was on Site as the Anti-Israel & Anti-America Protesters Called for 'Intifada' (Violent Uprising) After Burning the US Flag:

Protests erupted Wednesday as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke before a joint session of Congress. Agitators outside the Capitol and around Washington, D.C., reportedly chanted, “From the river to the sea,” burned the American flag, and engaged in other troubling, pro-Hamas rhetoric.

Read more about it here.

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About The Author

Billy Hallowell writes for CBN's He has been working in journalism and media for more than a decade. His writings have appeared in CBN News, Faithwire, Deseret News, TheBlaze, Human Events, Mediaite, PureFlix, and Fox News, among other outlets. He is the author of several books, including Playing with Fire: A Modern Investigation Into Demons, Exorcism, and Ghosts Hallowell has a B.A. in journalism and broadcasting from the College of Mount Saint Vincent in Riverdale, New York and an M.S. in social research from Hunter College in Manhattan, New York.