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Ex-Satanist Turned Christian Reveals What is 'Behind the Curtains' of 'Devil's Battle Plan'

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The co-founder of a Satanic movement in South Africa who had a supernatural encounter with Jesus Christ and renounced the occult says he is now on a mission to equip Christians to "handle and understand the devil's battle plan" in the last days. 

Riaan Swiegelaar, a former reverend at the South African Satanic Church (SASC), stepped down from his position in May 2022 but recently revealed on social media why he has decided now is the time to reveal what is "behind the curtains" of the satanic church.

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"I don't feel that our war is against physical people. I feel our war is in spirit and what God has revealed to me is that we are in a time where it is crucial," he explained. "We are living in the time of (the book of) Revelation. So it is time to put this information out in a very respectful way," he shared.

"We will equip spiritual warriors to handle and understand the devil's battle plan," he added. 

As CBN News previously reported, Swiegelaar was involved in some form of Christian ministry 20 years ago before becoming an atheist. He then turned to Satanism in 2018.

"I got involved with Satanism because at the time it resonated with me, being very broken and sad without realizing it. I think the reason a lot of people resonate with Satanism is they come from a very broken place... that's the one thing we all have in common," he shared in a video in 2022.

Swiegelaar explained that he renounced Satanism after experiencing the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. 

"I've never known unconditional love in my whole life and up to today, there's only four Christians in my whole life that have shown me what unconditional love is. I want to thank those four people. Words cannot express what you have done for me," he said.

"To show someone love is everything. It is not a simple thing. You have showed me everything. You have showed me the love of Christ. I have seen it in you," Swiegelaar added. 

Swiegelaar updated his followers in April that he is now involved in deliverance ministry and helping people get out of the occult. He added that six members of his former organization have left Satanism. 

He also explained that he was legally barred from speaking publicly for the last two years.

"When I left and resigned from the African Satanic Church in May 2022, at first, I had to keep quiet for a whole month to put certain things in place," he explained. "I also signed an NDA, a non-disclosure agreement, with the organization as to not to disclose certain people's identities, certain businesses, certain operations, especially in South Africa that was linked with Satanism in this country."

Swiegelaar adds that since he left he has received 32 "cease and desist" orders from attorneys. 

But the good news is the majority of the founding members of the Satanic church there have left Satanism and have worked with Swiegelaar to deregister the South African Satanic Church (SASC).

"Initially when we started the process there was opposition and there was a certain individual who funded a legal team for the African Satanic Church to prevent this from happening," Swiegelaar explained. "Between January and March of this year, they have stopped opposing the process to deregister the (Satanic) church."

He added that even with the dissolution of the Satanic entity, there is still work to be done. 

"This by no means means that Satanism doesn't exist anymore," Swiegelaar expressed. "It certainly does. Many groups have formed in the meantime and are still practicing."

The South African native says it is "all in God's timing" for him to create content now that will teach people how to overcome schemes of the enemy – especially young people. 

"I no longer have an official NDA in place and I'm allowed to make content again and post videos," Swiegelaar shared. 

"My intent is not to expose individuals or to make their identities known. My intent is to inform the public of what Satanism is and what is really going on in our country and in the world and also how certain people, especially the youth are being targeted to be involved in the occult and Satanism and what the satanic agenda really is," he added. 

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Talia Wise has served as a multi-media producer for, CBN Newswatch, The Prayer Link, and CBN News social media outlets. Prior to joining CBN News she worked for Fox Sports Florida producing and reporting. Talia earned a master’s degree in journalism from Regent University and a bachelor's degree from the University of Virginia.