Ex-Porn Star Brittni De La Mora Shares Why She Stopped Dating
Brittni De La Mora, previously known as a porn star, is encouraging believers to focus less on trying to find their dream man or woman, and instead seek God with their whole hearts.
De La Mora, who is now married to a pastor in California, says her dating life before she met her husband was a train wreck.
"I had done relationships the wrong way my whole life. I would try to do everything my way and things would never work out. I would go through heartbreak after heartbreak after heartbreak," she said in a video on her YouTube channel. "I dated a pimp. I dated people who were these 'bad boys.'"
Over time, she grew tired of shallow relationships and decided to make a drastic change.
"I said 'I'm going to go ahead and take one year off from dating and I'm also going to do the purity ceremony. So, I committed my purity and said no more sex until marriage,'" De La Mora said.
"In that year, I started seeking God every day. I would worship, pray, and read the Bible," she said. "Through that God healed me and made me a brand new woman. He completely restored my soul. I was able to forgive every single person who ever hurt me. So, in that year God prepared me to be the woman that I am today."
"I settled for guys because I thought they loved me, but now that I understand what true love is from God, I wasn't going to settle for a man who couldn't love me the way that God loves me," she added.
After that waiting period she eventually dated and married a man who truly loved her and loved God.
Now, she's challenging other singles to take a year off from dating and make their relationship with God their highest priority.
"The wait is worth it," she said. "Honor your vow, honor the promise, honor yourself as well because you are worthy to take time off from a relationship to really get the healing that you deserve."