'Don't Be Bullied into Silence or Compliance': Christians Pushing Back Against Transgender Revolution
A new push to normalize blurred gender lines has been sweeping the nation.
Bruce Jenner's transition to a trans woman in 2015 was just the tip of the iceberg.
Since then, Netflix has announced an LGBTQ-themed superhero cartoon featuring cross-dressers titled, "Super Drags," being released later this year.
Another glaring example is Drag Queen Story Hour which involves men dressed as women reading to small children in local libraries. Several of these events have been held across the country. CBN News has covered these shocking events on several occasions.
And some universities now urge students and faculty to use so-called gender-neutral pronouns in the belief it will create a more "inclusive" campus.
Perhaps most shockingly, there's now a trend of parents raising "theybies" instead of "babies." These are supposedly "gender-less" kids who are given they/them pronouns rather than he/she pronouns. The kids are allowed to choose their own gender.
Elizabeth Johnston, also known as the Activist Mommy, is outraged about the increasing pressure to normalize identity disorders and she's pushing back.
"'Gender Insanity' is a term I coined which I believe is very fitting to describe a revolutionary and subversive movement to normalize gender confusion, sexual deviancy, erase gender distinctions and really bully any Christian or free thinker who is not willing to conform to this new gender paradigm," Johnston explained on a recent edition of CBN News' Prayerlink.
She went on to say, "This movement began in 2015 when Obama issued his transgender bathroom directive in public schools as you probably remember. And in just a few short months, this blew wide open in almost every sector of society to the point where gender-confused individuals are now bullying their way into public acceptance by calling it hateful if you do not applaud their behavior."
"Never mind what science and your chromosomes say, never mind what every man and woman know in their conscience to be true, never mind what 2,000 years of history and jurisprudence have shown, us," said Johnston. "Basically, they're here, they're queer, and if you don't applaud and accept their mental instability and gender confusion they will bully you into oblivion and non-importance."
The transgender movement is also taking Canada by storm.
A curriculum called SOGI, which stands for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identification, is being taught in many of Canada's schools.
CBN's Wendy Griffith traveled to Canada to cover the facts of this story earlier this year.
SOGI lessons include books about transgender children, such as 10,000 Dresses, which depicts the experiences of a transgender girl.
Author and inspirational speaker Laura Lynn Tyler-Thompson has been a very outspoken critic of the movement.
"It is an indoctrination of all the children," Tyler-Thompson told CBN News.
On the other side, Morgane Oger, a transsexual and supporter of the curriculum in British Columbia, says it's about acceptance, not indoctrination.
"The idea is to teach kids that there are gay kids and there are trans kids. That there are trans parents and gay parents in our society and everybody is wanted and desired."
When asked about parent's rights, Oger told CBN News, "Actually, in Canada the parent's rights are limited and children's rights are put ahead, so the child has the right to be protected from the parents when the parents behave badly."
But Tyler-Thompson says parents should have the right to parent their own children. "Morgane told me he is actively at work to make laws to prevent parents like myself, who would not advocate for a child to be transitioned, to make parents, parents like myself, basically have my children removed."
Tyler-Thompson went on to say that opponents of the transgender movement are taking a stand, citing CBN's coverage of the story out of Canada as one example.
"That video that we did on what is going on here in BC, over three million views. That brought the Philippines to a place after they saw what we put together and how you covered that story of gender fluid ideology here, that stopped this in the Philippines and 35,000 Philippines rallied together to shut down SOGI in the Philippines," she said.
Meanwhile, Johnston urges parents to protect their children from the trans revolution by seriously considering teaching them at home.
"If at all possible, please take back control of your child's education and homeschool them," she said. "If that means you drive one less car and move to a smaller house and make some sacrifices, please consider the fact that the public schools have become leftist indoctrination centers in many, many parts of the country. Re-education camps basically."
"The leftists have strategically for the last forty years taken over control, for the most part, of the public school system, so that they can teach your child how to not have your values as parents but to have their leftist values and how to embrace this LGBT philosophy," said Johnston.
She also encouraged Christians to not be afraid to speak up for what they believe.
"Don't be bullied into silence and compliance. That's when they win."