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Christian Lifeguard Sues California Fire Department for Reportedly Forcing Pride Flag Display

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A Christian lifeguard in Los Angeles is suing his local fire department after it reportedly threatened to let him go for refusing to display an LGBT flag at his place of work.

The conundrum arose after the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors voted last year to require all facilities operated by the county to display the “Progress Pride Flag” in June, known socially as “Pride month.”

Capt. Jeffrey Little applied for a religious exemption, which was initially granted before being rescinded by the county two days later, The National Desk reported. Little claims he was told he is a county employee, which is “the only thing that matters” and that his religious convictions “do not matter.”

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In a press release from the Thomas More Society, which is representing Little, the legal group condemned the Los Angeles County Fire Department for “illegal retaliation and harassment against” its client. The firm also alleged the county “revealed to unauthorized persons that Little had requested a religious accommodation,” which resulted in the lifeguard receiving “a death threat that also targeted his daughters.”

Through his legal team, the county-employed lifeguard is seeking a restraining order and an injunction against the fire department to protect his religious freedoms, which he believes are being infringed upon by county officials.

“Capt. Jeffrey Little is an upstanding American, a devout Christian father, and a public servant who has honorably served the Los Angeles County Fire Department for over 22 years,” said attorney Paul Jonna of the Thomas More Society. “He courageously stood on principle and asked for a simple religious accommodation — which he is rightfully and legally due — only to be first denied, then threatened, harassed, discriminated, and retaliated against for his widely shared Christian religious beliefs.”

The official complaint for damages and injunction relief was filed in the United States District Court for the Central District of California on May 24. You can read the full court filing here.

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Tré Goins-Phillips serves as a host and content creator for CBN News. He hosts the weekly “Faith vs. Culture” show and co-hosts “Quick Start,” a news podcast released every weekday morning. Born and raised in Virginia, Tré now lives along the Blue Ridge Mountains, where he has built his career, often traveling to meet and interview fascinating cultural influencers and entertainers. After working with brands like TheBlaze and Independent Journal Review, Tré began his career at CBN News in 2018 and has a particular passion for bridging the chasm between the secular world and the church