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Activist Mommy Calls It 'Utter Insanity': Kids Crawl on Drag Queen at Library Story Hour

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Drag Queen Story Hour events have been spreading to libraries and other public places across the country as part of a nationwide LGBTQ agenda to indoctrinate children. 

But there is also growing outrage over the events.

Many recently complained after Portland, Oregon's St. Johns Library posted disturbing pictures last October of kids playing on the floor and lying on top of a man dressed as a woman during a drag queen reading event. 

A Facebook user posted the images saying, "I wouldn't let my kids crawl on top of random strangers no matter how said strangers are dressed." 

Young boys dressed in feather boas can been seen in the photos which were taken at the drag queen reading event.

According to LifeSite News, which first reported on the story, the library deleted the photos from its Flickr account after their story ran and after multiple complaints. 

But drag queen Carla Rossi is still scheduled to put on a Teen Drag Workshop at the St. Johns Library in September. And there are multiple additional library "drag workshops" targeting teenagers scheduled for the fall at libraries across that region.

The Blaze news reports that the Multnomah County Library issued a statement after removing the pictures. 

"Multnomah County Library offers a series of programs called Drag Queen Storytime. These events seek to explore ideas of difference, diversity and inclusion through stories, music and costume. The library serves a diverse population with a broad range of interests, preferences and needs. We strive to reflect our communities' needs in selecting programs, books and other materials." 

"We continually review existing policies to ensure that performers meet expectations to provide a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for all. Presenters and performers are instructed to follow library behavior policies and rules of conduct that protect the interest and safety of presenters, volunteers, staff and library patrons. Parents and caregivers are present at every program."

"The library will reflect on the feedback that members of the community have offered. We will consider the views and concerns expressed and work to ensure that Multnomah County Library holds itself to consistently high standards."

CBN News has reported on multiple "Drag Queen Story Hour" events as they proliferate across the country.  

In August 2018, more than 20 parents brought kids to a drag queen reading event at the Tidewater Community College (TCC) Joint-Use Library in Virginia Beach, Virginia, where Gillette Black, who is openly gay, dressed as a mermaid and read three books as part of an "Under the Sea" theme.

Black told CBN News that reading in drag makes it more fun for the kids.

"Just to give them something extra to look forward to," Black told CBN News. "The makeup, the glitter, it's going to keep them more in tuned."

Elizabeth Johnston, also known as the Activist Mommy, calls the issue surrounding gender confusion, 'gender insanity.'

"Moms and daughters transitioning to the opposite sex together," she says in a YouTube video.  "We've got guys going into girls' locker rooms and bathrooms and drag queens are reading stories to children in public libraries, thereby normalizing this behavior of men dressing up in high heels, a wig, a bra, and copious amounts of makeup."  

She continued, "Whatever happened to puppet shows and craft day at the library?"

Johnston is urging parents to sign a petition to "send a message to the American Library Association and urge them to put an end to this hideously inappropriate and damaging attack on innocent children." 

"This is utter insanity but, saints, it is only a matter of time before something far worse takes place at one of these events," Johnston said in a blog on her website. "Do we know if they haven't already? We can't just let them slither and slink away and continue to indoctrinate and groom impressionable children in a more private manner." 


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About The Author

Charlene Aaron

Charlene Aaron serves as a general assignment reporter, news anchor, co-host of The 700 Club, co-host of 700 Club Interactive, and co-host of The Prayerlink on the CBN News Channel. She covers various social issues, such as abortion, gender identity, race relations, and more. Before joining CBN News in 2003, she was a personal letter writer for Dr. Pat Robertson. Charlene attended Old Dominion University and Elizabeth City State University. She is an ordained minister and pastor’s wife. She lives in Smithfield, VA, with her husband.