11-Year-Old Describes Miraculous Healing at Asbury Revival: 'A Genuine Touch from the Lord'
When the Asbury University revival broke out, thousands of people from all ages flocked to Kentucky to join in the mighty move of God. Among them was an 11-year-old girl from Virginia named Helen White who recently shared with CBN News her testimony of experiencing a miraculous healing during the revival.
"It was the best night of my life, I loved it," described Helen. "I pray every night and thank the Lord that I got to go."
When the White family heard about the revival at Asbury University, they canceled their weekend plans, loaded up their RV, and drove about 10 hours to Kentucky to witness the move of the Holy Spirit for themselves. Helen said she watched the livestream for a few days leading up to the family's trip and begged her parents every day to take her and her three younger siblings.
"It was beautiful, it was so simple, such simple worship, but it felt so holy," said Helen.
While there, Helen says God miraculously healed her from celiac disease and Eosinophilic Esophagitis, or EoE.
"This one guy, he prayed for me of my EoE, and I just felt this tingling in my hands and my feet and my whole body and I actually was healed," recalled Helen.
Helen's mom, Christina, joined in the prayer for her daughter's healing.
"I was just praying quietly and watching her interact with this prayer minister and she's saying, 'My hands are tingling. Okay now I feel it to my elbows,' and we would thank God and keep praying, then she said my whole body feels like it's electric," said Christina. "I don't have to know what was happening in that moment because I know God was there, I know that was a touch from the Spirit and I know that He is moving."
The first miracle God performed involved getting the family past the long lines, and then getting some of them inside the chapel. As they pulled their RV into the small town of Wilmore, signs greeted them with a message to turnaround because the revival was at capacity.
#asburyrevival DAY 12 RECAP
— DrMalachi.eth - (Dr. Run) - Marathon Every Day (@malachiobrien) February 20, 2023
15,000 descend upon a town of 6,000
People waiting 6 hours to get in.
"So undone by the hunger of people to encounter Jesus" -Thai Lam
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️ Credit @thailam pic.twitter.com/eQcQBKy4hD
"We just started praying and said, 'Lord, you've gotten us this far. If we need to watch the live stream we will, but would you just make a way, would you make a way for us to come and encounter you and to be in your presence,'" said Christina.
Four of them set out on foot and were led to a door for students and children.
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"We walked up and they immediately were like, is there any party of 4 here?" recalled Christina. "We were right there and we walked right in."
"It was a moment when Jesus was saying, 'Let the little children come to me, let the children come to me,'" she continued. "I kind of knew right then, I think we're here for my girls to be here. As much as I wanted to come, this was for them."
They stayed in the chapel for five hours soaking in the presence of the Holy Spirit, and Helen even had an opportunity to read her favorite verse aloud, Psalm 91. Helen tells CBN News the lasting effect the revival has had on her faith and heart.
"I've always known the Lord my whole life, but really I feel like I met him and really devoted my life to him here. And so I feel like I definitely took that home and the hunger and boldness, that too, and the healing," said Helen.
Christina believes the Asbury revival is just the beginning.
"There is a purification that's happening and a holiness that's coming and I think that this younger generation has a huge part to play," Christina told CBN News. "I can't be the same after I've encountered a genuine touch from the Lord and I know that that's true for the other people who are in the room and honestly just for everywhere that the Lord is moving."
All of Christina's kids say they felt God's power and presence.
"I think the Holy Spirit was definitely there, and it was really cool," said Helen's younger sister Virginia White, who also made it inside the revival.
Helen's younger brother, Hugh, also felt the Spirit moving.
"It just felt like God was in that place," said Hugh. "He was also sharing his love outside of the room."
Christina tells CBN News she has a sense of expectancy without expectation that God is going to keep spreading this revival around the country.
"God is so unique He's going to do it differently everywhere you go," said Christina. "We're crying out for revival and the truth is we don't even know what that means truly. It's kind of saying, God whatever you want to do, we want it. We want you. Period. And so however you want to move, that's what we're saying yes to."
While the Whites are glad they went to Kentucky, they believe revival can break out anywhere and they're hopeful and expectant it continues to spread to more college campuses and churches around the country.