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Return to Warm, Strategic US-Israeli Relations?

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WASHINGTON – Ahead of his highly anticipated White House meeting with President Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared, "The alliance between Israel and America has always been extremely strong, [and] it's about to get even stronger."

Many experts and political observers agree that the relationship between Mr. Netanyahu and President Trump is off to a better start than that of his predecessor, President Obama. The relationship between the two was often described as "tense" and "frosty."

CBN Political Editor John Waage thinks the face-to-face meeting will give Mr. Netanyahu the opportunity to raise pressing issues that seemed to fall on deaf ears, like the threat of Iran, to a more sympathetic and receptive audience and with fewer public clashes and denunciations.

The agenda will include many important topics, but Jonathan Schanzer with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies believes the most important item is showing a strengthened tie between the U.S. and the Jewish state.

"It's important for both of their constituents – both of the their supporters," Schanzer told CBN News. "The Israelis, of course, are eager to see that the U.S. has their back again, and Trump is, I think, very eager to show the American people that he is not Obama."

Watch Jonathan Schanzer discuss the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, and much more.

Nethanyahu's visit includes meeting with Vice President Mike Pence, Republican and Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill, and dinner with newly installed Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

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Como corresponsal basado en la capital del país, John Jessup cubre temas que van desde la política de Washington D.C. hasta la economía y lo más reciente sobre el clima. El reporta paraThe 700 Club, Newswatch, y presenta cortos noticiosos para afiliadas de CBN a través del país. El trabajo de John en transmisiones de televisión le ha otorgado varios premios en reporteo, producción y coordinación de coberturas de elecciones. Desde que se unió a CBN News, ha reportado desde varios lugares, incluyendo partes de Mississippi, Louisiana, y Texas afectadas por el Huracán Katrina. John también viajó a