New Movie Will Show Luis Palau's Journey From Poverty to Powerful Evangelist
A new movie honoring the life and legacy of international evangelist Luis Palau is just months away from being released.
Palau the Movie follows Palau's life journey from a poor Argentinean boy to world-renowned evangelist who has led countless people to Christ.
The film is being produced by the Luis Palau Association, Ollawood Productions, and Rivka Entertainment Group.
"Luis' personal story is powerful and producing a film that honors his life is a tremendous privilege," said Rebekah Hubbell, founder of Rivka Entertainment Group and executive producer of Palau, in a statement. "This film will not only honor his legacy but will inspire viewers to understand the unwavering principal Luis has lived by for 65 years: a relationship with God is the answer to everything."
Palau, 83, says the film isn't about glorifying him, but bringing others to Jesus.
"I've never thought of myself as someone special. I'm just a kid from a cow town in Argentina," Palau said in a news release. "Yet God grabbed my heart at a young age and chose to use me to share His Good News in a dramatic way. Now, more than 65 years later, I've had the joy of leading millions of people in public confessions of faith in Jesus, from princesses and presidents to criminals and cynics. This film is the story of that journey. I pray it encourages all to embrace Jesus and trust Him for great things."
Palau's son Andrew recently told The Christian Post that the late evangelist Billy Graham had a huge impact on his father's life.
"Mr. Graham gave him that vision or that confirmation by the Spirit from a distance and then later by God's grace, Mr. Graham gave him some advice and some help that was critical along the way,” Andrew said.
"This movie doesn't glorify him," he explained. "It's an honest look at how many of us ... we're all the same, we wrestle through the same battles but we also can have the same victories if we take the principles of the Bible to heart."
The film is scheduled to be released to theaters in October.