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Hezbollah Rockets Rain Down on Golan Heights, Killing Man & Woman

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JERUSALEM, Israel – Hezbollah rained 30 to 40 rockets down on Israel's Golan Heights Tuesday night. One directly hit a car, killing a man and woman inside. Twelve civilians have been killed by Hezbollah aerial strikes on Israel since October 7th. 

The barrage was apparently in retaliation for Israel’s alleged killing of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s former bodyguard.

Shortly after the deadly attack, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) blasted the infrastructure Hezbollah used to launch its rocket barrage.

The Israeli Defense Forces said that about 40 launches were detected from Lebanon into the central Golan Heights. The rocket barrage caused at least eight fires in open areas across the Golan, according to Israel’s Kan News public broadcaster.

The Iranian proxy also released a second propaganda video showing drone footage of Israeli military bases on the Golan Heights. The end of the video shows an Israeli city Hezbollah says it will feature in an upcoming clip.

IDF Forces Weeding Terrorists Out of Gaza City Once Again

In Gaza City, the IDF is renewing assaults on areas occupied by Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists, killing dozens of them. It's one more indication the terrorist groups are trying to re-establish their presence in areas of Gaza the IDF chased them out of early in the war.  

Israeli troops found the terrorists operating out of schools, a medical clinic, and the Gaza City headquarters of the United Nations agency UNRWA.

And in the Shejaiya neighborhood, IDF troops located and destroyed six terror tunnels, each about 3.5 miles long.

The IDF announced yesterday that a soldier, 21-year-old Sergeant First Class Tal Lahat, was killed in central Gaza, bringing Israel's soldier death toll to 327.

'Genuine Opportunity to Reach a Deal'

Ahead of ceasefire talks starting today in Doha, a senior Israeli source tells Israel's Channel 12, "There is a genuine opportunity to reach a deal." 

But that source also warns, "There are still unresolved issues to deal with that are not simple" and "difficult and complex negotiations are expected."

Online Iranian Agents Out to Divide Americans

U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines warns that Iranian agents online are using cyber and social media to stoke protests against Israel and in support of Gaza, attempting to divide Americans.

In a statement, Haines wrote these agents are "posing as activists online, seeking to encourage protests and even providing financial support to protestors." 

She told Congress that Iran is becoming more aggressive in its attempts to shake Americans' faith in their own democratic institutions.  

Josh Reinstein, the president of the Israeli Allies Foundation, told CBN News the Iranian threat is greater to the West than it is to Israel.

“And that's only because Israel understands that they're at war with Iran,” Reinstein stated.

“Iran is attacking us with their proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah," he continued.  "They threaten to wipe us off the map through their nuclear programs. But around the world, Iran is also attacking, countries in Europe, through different organizations, through funding terrorism In America.  They actually tried to assassinate several American leaders like Mike Pompeo and John Bolton.”

He points out that Iran, which has been pursuing nuclear weapons for years, is already waging war around the world.

“And most of the world just doesn't understand that once they have nuclear weapons, it's going to be all-out war,” Reinstein explained.

GOP Platform Backs Tossing Pro-Hamas & Antisemitic Radicals Out of U.S.

The Republican platform is out just a week before the GOP convention. It promises to keep Israel safe and back "revoking visas of foreign nationals who support terrorism and jihadism. We will hold accountable those who perpetrate violence against Jewish people."

The platform also pledges to "deport pro-Hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again."

Rescued Hostage Sues U.S. Nonprofit for Ties to Hamas

Rescued Israeli hostage Almog Meir Jan was freed after eight months of captivity in Gaza. Jan is now suing a US nonprofit with financial ties to the Hamas operative who held him captive.

He was held in the home of Abdallah Aljamal, a contributor to Palestine Chronicle, which is operated by the tax-exempt group People Media Project.

"We filed this lawsuit against Palestine Chronicle and its directors because they knowingly supported a Hamas operative who held our client as a hostage in his home. We look forward to seeking justice from the federal court for our client," Mark Goldfeder, director of the National Jewish Advocacy Center and counsel for Jan, told Fox News Digital. 

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About The Author

Julie Stahl

Julie Stahl is a correspondent for CBN News in the Middle East. A Hebrew speaker, she has been covering news in Israel fulltime for more than 20 years. Julie’s life as a journalist has been intertwined with CBN – first as a graduate student in Journalism; then as a journalist with Middle East Television (METV) when it was owned by CBN from 1989-91; and now with the Middle East Bureau of CBN News in Jerusalem since 2009. As a correspondent for CBN News, Julie has covered Israel’s wars with Gaza, rocket attacks on Israeli communities, stories on the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and