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Former US Ambassador David Friedman: 'I'd Rather Be with God than with the State Department'

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As we near the first anniversary of the devastating Hamas attack on October 7th, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman has released a thought-provoking new book that sheds light on the enduring effects of these events. His book, titled One Jewish State: The Last, Best Hope to Resolve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, presents a compelling case for Israeli sovereignty over the historically significant regions of Judea and Samaria, often referred to as the West Bank.

During his tenure under the Trump administration, Ambassador Friedman was instrumental in achieving two historic diplomatic milestones. He played a key role in relocating the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a highly significant and controversial move. Additionally, he helped shape the Abraham Accords, a breakthrough agreement fostering peace and coexistence in the Middle East by normalizing relations between Israel and several Arab nations.

Following his diplomatic service, Friedman founded The Friedman Center for Peace Through Strength, with a mission to expand the Abraham Accords and bring to life the prophetic vision of a world where nations no longer resort to violence.

In his latest work, Friedman shifts the conversation around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by opposing the two-state solution and emphasizing the United States' biblical duty to support Israel's annexation of Judea and Samaria. 

While the U.S. State Department opposes that idea, Friedman told CBN's President Gordon Robertson, "I'd rather be with God than with the State Department."

***Watch the full interview with Amb. Friedman on today's 700 Club.

With a foreword by Mike Pompeo, Friedman's new book advocates for a return to shared values and divine covenants that unify the Jewish people and offer a hopeful path forward for all residents of the Holy Land.

By combining historical insight with his deep personal and professional experience, the former ambassador's new book is not just an analysis of current events but a vision for the future, centered on unity and peace in a region long divided.

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Brody Carter has been reporting and anchoring at CBN since 2021. In his time at CBN, he has found his stride in national news, including political and foreign affairs, extreme weather, and in-depth faith-based reporting. Brody frequently covers news for The 700 Club, Faith Nation, Newswatch, and Christian World News. Brody is passionate about news and displays standout dedication and work ethic in the field. Since starting at CBN, Brody has not only grown as a journalist but also as a person of faith thanks to close family, friends, co-workers, and the church body in Virginia Beach. He